Contemporary Irish Traditional Narrative: The English Language Tradition

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Author: Clodagh Brennan Harvey

ISBN-10: 0520097580

ISBN-13: 9780520097582

Category: Genres & Literary Forms

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AcknowledgmentsIntroduction1Evolution of the Present Study1Cultural Identity and Irish Folklore Studies1Personal Travels and Research Agenda3The Question of "Tradition"5Background to the Storytelling Tradition7Ar Cuairt7Travelers and the Storytelling Tradition9Other Social and Occupational Contexts11Women and the Storytelling Tradition12Folklore and the Criterion of Orality13Preservation vs. Innovation141Social Change and the Storytelling Tradition20Modernization and Economic Change20Factors Effecting the Decline of Traditional Storytelling22Technological Innovations22Dance Halls and Public Houses25The Introduction of the Automobile27 [sic]The Modernization of Homes25 [sic]Education, Literacy, and the Decline of the Language28The "Death" of the Tradition312Folklore Collectors and the Irish Storytelling Tradition37The Pivotal Role of the Collectors37Collecting in the Past37Folklore Collecting Today38Self-Consciousness and the Storytelling Tradition42County Clare: A Symbiosis of Music and Storytelling42The Influence of Eamon Kelly45Limitations in the Documentation of the Tradition473The Current Status of the Two Language Traditions53Developments in the Study of Traditional Narrative53Aesthetic Considerations in Traditional Storytelling54The Preeminence of the Irish Language Tradition54The English Language Tradition: Narrating and Narrators of Scealaiocht58The English Language Tradition: Narrating and Narrators of Seanchas68Final Considerations and Portents of Change74App. I: Questionnaire85App. II: Ar Cuairt and Related Terms89App. III: Glossary of Gaelic Terms92App. IV: Selected Tales94The Quarryman's Son94The Mac a hAon Fionn100Above and Beyond the End of the Earth107The Gentlemen's Agreement113Bibliography119Index125