Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce: Time for Best Practice

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Author: Ronald De Bruin

ISBN-10: 904111923X

ISBN-13: 9789041119230

Category: E - Commerce

This multi-disciplinary book provides insight in how to establish consumer trust in electronic commerce. It goes into detail on:\ \ a broad variety of consumer trust criteria with regard to the security and reliability of electronic consumer transactions\ what information must be provided to consumers\ how to create a legally binding contract online\ confidence in electronic payments\ the resolution of disputes\ what law applies to the electronic consumer contract\ which body is entitled to...

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This multi-disciplinary book provides insight in how to establish consumer trust in electronic commerce. It goes into detail on: a broad variety of consumer trust criteria with regard to the security and reliability of electronic consumer

1Research Definition12Consumer Trust Criteria113Public-Key Infrastructures494European Union Cryptography Policy795European Union Policy on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce1136Self-Regulation in Electronic Commerce1377Assessment of Self-Regulation Initiatives and Consumer Trust Criteria1738Achieving Consumer Trust in Electronic Commerce257Literature299Glossary311Index313App. A1323App. A2324App. A3328App. A4333App. A5334App. A6336App. A7339App. B345App. C351App. D355