Consistently Opposing Killing: From Abortion to Assisted Suicide, the Death Penalty, and War

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Author: Rachel M. MacNair

ISBN-10: 031335278X

ISBN-13: 9780313352782

Category: Administration & Management

This work explains an increasingly popular view dubbed the Consistent Life Ethic, which holds that all life deserves reverence, so all social support for actions that destroy life should be withdrawn. The call is for opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia and other forms of killing to be consistent. Supporters of this view, shared widely in these pages, include figures from the Dalai Lama and Nobel Peace Prize winner Malread Corrifon Maguire to actor Martin Sheen and Village...

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This work explains an increasingly popular view dubbed the Consistent Life Ethic, which holds that all life deserves reverence, so all social support for actions that destroy life should be withdrawn. The call is for opposition to abortion, capital punishment, euthanasia and other forms of killing to be consistent. Supporters of this view, shared widely in these pages, include figures from the Dalai Lama and Nobel Peace Prize winner Malread Corrifon Maguire to actor Martin Sheen and Village Voice columnist Nat Hentoff. It is at once an ethical, religious and political ideology, explored here in its application to actions from treatment of unborn humans to infants, the disabled, the poverty-stricken, war combatants, and animals. In the work at hand, contributors explain the history of the pro-life movement, its growth and expansion, how these types of seemingly disparate killing are all linked, why a Consistent Life Ethic is needed, and how individuals can take steps to assure this ethic is more widely accepted.

Introduction: The Power of Being Consistent   Rachel M. MacNair     1Connected ViolenceWord Games Take Lives   William Brennan     11The Left Has Betrayed the Sanctity of Life: Consistency Demands Concern for the Unborn   Mary Meehan     19The Indivisibility of Life and the Slippery Slope   Nat Hentoff     25Israel/Palestine and Abortion   Stephen Zunes     33Understanding How Killing Traumatizes the Killer   Rachel M. MacNair     39Abortion and the Feminization of Poverty   Thomas W. Strahan     47The Direct Killing of Racism and Poverty$dExcerpts from various sources     55When Bigotry Turns Disabilities Deadly$dExcerpts from various sources     61Right to Life of Humans and Animals   Vasu Murti     67Does the Seamless Garment Fit? American Public Opinion   Edith Bogue     73Perceptions of Connections   Rachel M. MacNair     87Connected SolutionsActivists Reminisce: An Oral History of Pro-lifers for Survival$dTaped interview     105Activism Throughout the Centuries   Mary Krane Derr     117Changing Hearts and Minds   Mary Meehan     133The Law's Role in the Consistent LifeEthic   Carol Crossed     147Pro-life Politics: From Counter-Movement to Transforming Movement   James R. Kelly     159Connecting the Dots-Nonviolently   Michael N. Nagler     173People Power and Regime Change: How Nonviolence Spreads Democracy   Stephen Zunes     179Conflict Transformation: Dissolving "Battle Lines"   Rachel M. MacNair     187About the Editors and Contributors     195Index     197