Computational Continuum Mechanics

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Author: Ahmed A. Shabana

ISBN-10: 0521885698

ISBN-13: 9780521885690

Category: Engineering mathematics

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This book covers nonlinear continuum mechanics theory and its use in nonlinear computer formulations.

Preface     ixIntroduction     1Matrices     2Vectors     6Summation Convention     12Cartesian Tensors     13Polar Decomposition Theorem     25D'Alembert's Principle     27Virtual Work Principle     34Approximation Methods     37Discrete Equations     40Momentum, Work, and Energy     43Parameter Change and Coordinate Transformation     45Problems     48Kinematics     51Motion Description     52Strain Components     60Other Deformation Measures     67Decomposition of Displacement     69Velocity and Acceleration     71Coordinate Transformation     75Objectivity     82Change of Volume and Area     85Continuity Equation     89Reynolds' Transport Theorem     90Examples of Deformation     92Problems     100Forces and Stresses     103Equilibrium of Forces     103Transformation of Stresses     106Equations of Equilibrium     107Symmetry of the Cauchy Stress Tensor     109Virtual Work of the Forces     111Deviatoric Stresses     120Stress Objectivity     123Energy Balance     127Problems     129Constitutive Equations     131Generalized Hooke's Law     132Anisotropic Linearly Elastic Materials     134Material Symmetry     135Homogeneous Isotropic Material     137Principal Strain Invariants     144Special Material Models for Large Deformations     146Linear Viscoelasticity     150Nonlinear Viscoelasticity     164A Simple Viscoelastic Model for Isotropic Materials     171Fluid Constitutive Equations     173Navier-Stokes Equations     174Problems     175Plasticity Formulations     177One-Dimensional Problem     179Loading and Unloading Conditions     180Solution of the Plasticity Equations     181Generalization of the Plasticity Theory: Small Strains     190J[subscript 2] Flow Theory with Isotropic/Kinematic Hardening     197Nonlinear Formulation for Hyperelastic-Plastic Materials      214Hyperelastic-Plastic J[subscript 2] Flow Theory     225Problems     230Finite Element Formulation: Large-Deformation, Large-Rotation Problem     231Displacement Field     233Element Connectivity     240Inertia and Elastic Forces     243Equations of Motion     246Numerical Evaluation of the Elastic Forces     250Finite Elements and Geometry     256Two-Dimensional Euler-Bernoulli Beam Element     263Two-Dimensional Shear Deformable Beam Element     267Three-Dimensional Cable Element     269Three-Dimensional Beam Element     270Thin-Plate Element     272Higher-Order Plate Element     274Element Performance     275Other Finite Element Formulations     280Updated Lagrangian and Eulerian Formulations     282Problems     284Finite Element Formulation: Small-Deformation, Large-Rotation Problem     286Background     287Rotation and Angular Velocity     291Floating Frame of Reference     296Intermediate Element Coordinate System     297Connectivity and Reference Conditions      300Kinematic Equations     306Formulation of the Inertia Forces     307Elastic Forces     311Equations of Motion     313Coordinate Reduction     314Integration of Finite Element and Multibody System Algorithms     317Problems     319References     321Index     327