Composite Repair: Theory and Design

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Author: Cong N. Duong

ISBN-10: 0080451462

ISBN-13: 9780080451466

Category: Composite Materials - Materials Science

Bonded composite repairs are efficient and cost effective means of repairing cracks and corrosion grind-out cavity in metallic structures, and composite structures sustained impact and ballistic damages, especially in aircraft structures. This book grew out of the recent research conducted at the Boeing Company and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO, Australia) over the past ten years. Consequently it is predominately a compilation of the work by the authors and their...

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Bonded composite repairs are efficient and cost effective means of repairing cracks and corrosion grind-out cavity in metallic structures, and composite structures sustained impact and ballistic damages, especially in aircraft structures. This book grew out of the recent research conducted at the Boeing Company and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO, Australia) over the past ten years. Consequently this book is predominately a compilation of the work by the authors and their colleague at these two organizations on the design and analysis of composite repairs. Even though currently there are two edited books available on this particular topic, (Bonded Repair of Aircraft Structures, editors Baker and Jones, 1988, Martinus Nijhoff Publisher; Advances in Bonded Composite Repair of Metallic Structure, Baker et al, 2002, Elsevier), none have provided sufficient treatment of the design and analysis of bonded composite repairs. This book is therefore developed to fill in that gap by devoting its content entirely to the design and analysis of bonded repairs, focusing on the mathematical techniques and analysis approaches that are critical to the successful implementation of bonded repairs. The topics addressed in this book are developed to the extent that the presentation is sufficiently self-explanatory, and hence could serve as a state-of-the-art reference guide to engineers, scientists, researchers and practitioners interested in the underpinning design methodology and the modelling of composite repairs. Furthermore, this book can be used as a companion reference book to the United States Air Force (USAF) bonded repair guidelines (Guidelines for Composite Repair of Metallic Structure-CRMS, AFRL-WP-TR-1998-4113) and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) Design Standard DEF(AUST)9005 that are currently used by most practitioners and field repair engineers through out the world, as well as for the new software called CRAS (Composite Repair of Aircraft Structures) developed by the Boeing Company and funded by the USAF.

Preface     xiAcknowledgements     xiiiDisclaimer     xivIntroduction     1Objectives of Bonded Repairs and an Overview of the Repair Process     1Structural assessment     3Repair design     3Installation of the repair     7Objectives of This Book     8Review of Past and Current Work on Design and Analysis of Bonded Repair     8Basic Elements of Fracture Mechanics Theory     10Theory of Bonded Doublers and Bonded Joints     16Introduction     16Stress Analysis of Two-Sided Doublers and Double-Strap Joints     17Elastic analysis of two-sided doublers and double-strap joints     17Elastic-plastic analysis of two-sided doublers and double-strap joints     23Peel stresses in two-sided doublers and double-strap joints     28Stress Analysis of One-Sided Bonded Double and Single-Strap Joints     31Stage I: Solution for bending moment at ends and middle of overlap     33Stage II: Solution for induced adhesive peel stresses     38Stage III: Solution for induced adhesive shear stresses     45Consideration of Other Important Effects in Bonded Doublers and Joints     50Stress-free condition at the adhesive ends     51Corner singularity     53Stress concentration in adherends     59Triaxial stresses and plastic yielding     62Failure Criteria for Bonded Doublers and Joints     65Summary     68Fundamental Concept of Crack Patching     69Introduction     69Formulation and Notation     71Symmetric or Fully Supported One-Sided Repairs     73Stage I: Load attraction by patch     73Stage II: Stress intensity factor     80The effect of plastic adhesive     82The effect of finite crack size     83The effect of mixed mode loading     86One-Sided Repairs     87Thermal Stresses     92Summary     94Mathematical Theory of Supported One-Sided Crack Patching or Two-Sided Crack Patching     95Introduction     95Stage I: Load Attraction     95Equivalent inclusion method     97Inclusion problem with polynomial eigenstrains     100Solution of the load attraction problem     107Load attraction with thermal effects     110Stage II: Fracture Analysis      115Cracked sheet displacements and stresses     118Composite patch displacements and stresses     122Stress intensity factor evaluation     130Numerical Illustrations     131Thermal Constraints     138Summary     145Approximate Theory of Unsupported One-Sided Crack Patching     146Introduction     146Stage I: Geometrically Linear Analysis     147Inclusion with constant eigencurvature     147Geometrically linear analysis of polygonal patch     152Geometrically Nonlinear Analysis of Stage I     159Thermal stresses in polygonal patch     162Patch spanning across the entire plate's width under purely mechanical loading     176Polygonal patch under combined thermo-mechanical loading     183Stage II: Fracture Analysis Using Crack-bridging Model     189Determination of spring constants     192Fracture analysis by crack-bridging model     197Numerical solutions of integral equations     201Illustrative examples     205Thermal Residual Stresses Resulting from Bonding     209Rose's or Barneveld-Fredell's curing model     209Duong and Yu's curing model      209Wang and Erjavec's curing model     210Characterization of Fatigue Crack Growth in One-Sided Patching     214Summary     214Analytical Approach to Repairs of Corrosion Grind-Outs     216Introduction     216Fundamental Concepts     216Eshelby solution for elliptical inhomogeneities     217Analytical solution of elliptical patches     220Formulas for a special case of an elliptical isotropic patch with a Poisson's ratio same as skin     224General Solution of Polygon-Shaped Patches     229Polygonal inhomogeneity with variable stiffness     229Repair over an elliptical grind-out     232Summary     247Bond-line Analysis at Patch Ends     248Introduction     248One-Dimensional Analysis of Tapered Patches and Doublers     248Mathematical formulation and two-step solution method     249Solution for nonlinear moment distribution along the joint     249Solutions for peel and shear stresses in the adhesive     253Numerical examples     261One-Dimensional Analysis of Tapered Patches and Doublers Including Effects of Thermal Mismatch and Adhesive Plasticity     270Extension to include the effect of thermal mismatch     271Extension to include the effect of adhesive plasticity     276Approximate Method for Adhesive Stresses at Patch End in a One-Sided Repair     277Approximate Method for Adhesive Stresses at Patch End in a Two-Sided Repair     278Summary     279Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis of Repaired Structures     280Introduction     280Crack-Closure Analysis of Repaired Cracks     281Crack closure of repaired cracks under small-scale yielding     281Crack closure of repaired cracks under large-scale yielding     284Overload Effect and Validation Using Finite Element Method     289Comparison with Experimental Results     292Summary     299A Preliminary Design Approach for Crack Patching     300Introduction     300Basic Analysis Methods Used in the Preliminary Design Approach     301Analysis method for a repair subjected only to mechanical loads     301Analysis method for a repair subjected to thermo-mechanical loads     304Design Criteria     310Design criteria for cracked skin     311Design criteria for patch     312Design criteria for adhesive      313Material Selection     314Patch materials     314Adhesive materials     315Preliminary Design Procedure     320Design procedure for a repair subjected only to mechanical loads     323Design procedure for a repair subjected to thermo-mechanical loads     325An Illustrative Example Using Design Process     332Loading conditions     333Design parameters     333Summary     335A Preliminary Design Approach for Corrosion Repairs     336Introduction     336Basic Analysis Methods Used in the Preliminary Design Approach     337Analysis method for a repair subjected only to mechanical loads     337Analysis method for a repair subjected to thermo-mechanical loads     340Design Criteria     345Design criteria for corroded skin or substrate     345Design criteria for patch     345Design criteria for adhesive     346Preliminary Design Procedure     346Summary     348Experimental Verifications of Analytical Methods     349Introduction     349Fatigue Crack Growth Tests and Method Validation     350Fatigue crack growth tests     350Characterization of fatigue crack growth in one-sided and two-sided repairs     351Fatigue crack growth analysis     360Comparison between analytical predictions and test results     362Load Attraction Tests and Method Validation     374Load attraction tests     374Comparison between analytical prediction and test results     376Summary     377Repair of Sonic Fatigue     382Introduction     382Structural Response to Acoustic Loading     386Analysis of Damped Repairs     387Dynamic analysis of layered beams     387Influence of structural damping     388Static and dynamic responses of damped repair     390Stresses and stress intensity factors in the repaired skin     391Fatigue Crack Growth Analysis     393Optimization of Damped Repairs     395An Illustrative Example     395Repair Analysis Methods Accounting for Secondary Effects     402Effect of Tapering on Load Attraction of Bonded Patches     402Effect of Patches in Proximity on Load Attraction     406Effect of Adherend Shear Deformation on Repair Efficiency     412Concluding Remarks     419Introduction to CRAS Software     421References     442Index     456