Composing with Confidence: Writing Effective Paragraphs and Essays

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Author: Alan Meyers

ISBN-10: 0321276469

ISBN-13: 9780321276469

Category: English Grammar

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This reader-friendly sixth edition of Composing with Confidence focuses on the writing of paragraphs and essays within the composing process. Readers are guided step by step through the process, but are provided with options in prewriting, discovery, outlining, and predicting. Each chapter in the unit on the rhetorical modes offers academic and professional model paragraphs and essays, along with a well-wrought paragraph assignment, an optional essay writing assignment, and at least five alternative assignments. A new chapter, Writing on the Job, offers instruction in and models of a job application letter, a risumi, and two memos. A repeated feature offers practice in summarizing, paraphrasing, quoting, and arranging material from outside sources. And two new features, Blueprints for Writing and Unit Summaries, offer quick visual summaries of the most important points of the chapter or unit. A full unit on sentence-level issues of grammar and mechanics offers instruction in only those skills that are needed to make writing clear and grammatically correct. Each chapter in the unit ends with two "Editing for Mastery" exercises. "Tips" boxes and "If Your First Language Is Not English" boxes also provide short, specific, and practical advice. The book retains its most popular feature: fast-paced, high-interest, continuous discourse materials that makes it fun to read and work with. For those interested in developing their writing skills at the paragraph to essay level.

I. WRITING AS A COMPOSING PROCESS.1. The Reasons for Writing.2. The Composing Process.3. Composing a Powerful Paragraph.4. Composing an Effective Essay.Unit I Synthesis for Success.II. STRENGTHENING WRITING.5. Developing Ideas.6. Achieving Coherence.7. Writing Directly and Vividly.8. Creating Sentence Variety.Unit II Synthesis for Success.III. COMPOSING TYPES OF PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS.9. Composing a Description.10. Composing Narratives.11. Explaining a Process.12. Drawing Comparisons and Contrasts.13. Making Classifications.14. Composing Definitions.15. Examining Causes or Effects.16. Summarizing and Responding.17. Persuading an Audience.18. Writing Essay Exams.19. Writing on the Job.Unit III Synthesis for Success.IV. TROUBLESHOOTING.20. Writing Complete Sentences.21. Joining Sentences Through Coordination and Subordination.22. Checking Subject-Verb Agreement and Noun Plurals.23. Checking Past-Tense and Past-Participle Forms.24. Achieving Consistency.25. Using Pronouns.26. Strengthening Modifiers.27. Using Apostrophes, Hyphens, and Capital Letters.28. Checking Punctuation.29. Checking Sound-alike and Look-alike Words.Unit IV Synthesis for Success.READING SELECTIONS.Andy Rooney, “Talking Trash.”Jo Goodwin Parker, “What Is Poverty?”Gloria Uduando, “Reflections.”Karen P. Bellitto, “A Tale of Two Gravies.”Bob Greene, “From a Grandpa, Above and Beyond” and “Love Finds a Way.”Gale Lawrence, “Baby Birds.”Suzanne Britt, “Neat People vs. Sloppy People.”Judith Viorst, “Friends, Good Friends–and Such Good Friends.”Linda Hogan, “Walking.”Judith Ortiz Cofer, Excerpt from “The Story of My Body.”Henry Louis Gates, Jr., “Where My Mother’s Voice Led Me.”Marcus Marbry, ”Living in Two Worlds.”Amy Tan, “Mother Tongue.”Andrew Sullivan, “Why the M Word Matters to Me.”The Economist, “The World Is Too Fat Too Bad.”Answer to Chapter Exercises.Quotations and Proverbs.Glossary.