Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs

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Author: Yun Wan

ISBN-10: 1599049783

ISBN-13: 9781599049786

Category: General & Miscellaneous Software

Popular among online shoppers, comparison-shopping provides a new sales channel for small to medium enterprises to contend with brand name vendors.\ Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Designs provides a collection of comprehensive research articles on the rising demand for more informative consumer services. This Premier Reference Source provides e-commerce and agent technology researchers, academicians, and practitioners with a useful overview and references to the latest advancements in...

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"This book investigates the effects of the evolution of comparison-shopping techniques and processes with the ready availability of online resources over the past few years"--Provided by publisher.

Ch. I Comparison-Shopping Services and Agent Design: An Overview 1Ch. II The Next Generation of Shopbots: Semantic Interoperability and Personalization 19Ch. III A Mediation Architecture for Global Comparison Services 37Ch. IV The Efficiency of Different Search Patterns in Electronic Market 55Ch. V Price, Product Complexity, and Durability in Comparison Shopping 74Ch. VI Evaluation of Fuzzy Models to Support Online-Trust Assessment 90Ch. VII Comparison-Shopping Channel Selection by Small Online Vendors: An Exploratory Study 101Ch. VIII Comparison Shopping Behaviour in Online Environments: The Case of Spanish E-Shoppers 119Ch. IX Service Features, Customer Convenience, and Shopping Intention in the Context of Mobile Commerce 134Ch. X How Good is Your Shopping Agent? Users Perception Regarding Shopping Agents Service Quality 151Ch. XI Multi-Channel Retailing and Customer Satisfaction 165Ch. XII Evolution of Web-Based Shopping Systems: Characteristics and Strategies 178Ch. XIII Exogenous and Endogenous Antecedents of Online Shopping in a Multichannel Environment: Evidence from a Catalog Retailer in the German-Speaking World 196Ch. XIV Examining Online Purchase Intentions in B2C E-Commerce: Testing an Integrated Model 217Ch. XV An Exploratory Study of Consumer Adoption of Online Shopping: Mediating Effect of Online Purchase Intention 235Ch. XVI Can Web Seals Work Wonders for Small E-Vendors in the Online Trading Environment? A Theoretical Approach 251Glossary 272Compilation of References 277Index 314