Communication in the Age of Suspicion: Trust and the Media

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Author: Vian Bakir

ISBN-10: 0230002544

ISBN-13: 9780230002548

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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This book explores relationships between trust and various media genres and forms from the end of World War I to the present day.

List of Figures     xList of Tables     xiAcknowledgements     xiiNotes on Contributors     xiiiCommunication in the Age of Suspicion     1The Age of Suspicion   Vian Bakir   David M. Barlow     3The decline in trust - An issue of societal concern     3Overview of book's structure     6Notes     8Exploring Relationships between Trust Studies and Media Studies   Vian Bakir   David M. Barlow     9Trust studies - The growth of a field     9What is trust?     10What does trust do?     11The emergence of trust studies in media studies?     17Conclusion     21Notes     22Media and Erosion of Trust     25Origins of the Problem of Trust: Propaganda during the First World War   Michael Redley     27Propaganda during the First World War     28Implications for trust     33Notes     38The Erosion of Trust in Australian Public Life   Jeff Archer     39Media rhetoric and practice     41Political public relations and the advantages of political incumbency     43The Palmer Report     44Accountability and responsibility     48Notes     50Manufacturing Authenticity in a Small Nation: The Case of Independent Local Radio in Wales   David M. Barlow     51False promises     52Slippery regulation     54Tuning for consumption     57Local no more     59Conclusion     61Notes     62Terrorism and the Microdynamics of Trust   Barry Richards     64Fear and protection     64The media discourse of terrorism     68Trust and discourses of terrorism     72Notes     74Risk, Advice and Trust: How Service Journalism Fails Its Audience   Jeremy Collins     75Food scares and social rationality     76Service journalism     77Food scares as service journalism     78Risk, trust and public journalism     83Conclusion     85Notes     86'Trust Me, I'm a Doctor': MMR and the Politics of Suspicion   Chas Critcher     88The MMR narrative     88MMR accounts: Three ideal types     91No news is good news: The role of the media     95Suspicious minds     97Conclusion: Beyond reasonable doubt     99Notes     101New Media Enterprise in the Age of Suspicion   Gillian Allard     102The Internet: Network of networks or virtual supply chain?     103A life in music     105Conclusion     112Notes     113Trust, Data-Mining and Instantaneity: The Creation of the Online Accountable Consumer   Andrew McStay     114Social ontology: Trust and its relationship to technology     115Dataveillance and theoretical implications for trust of CRM strategies     118Real-time feedback and the commercial environment of instantaneity     121Conclusion     123Notes     123Media and Building Trust     125Risk Communication, Television News and Trust Generation: The Utility of Ethos   Vian Bakir     127The risk issues     128Ethos analysis     129The use and utility of ethos?     137Notes     139The Media's Role in a Transition Society: From Public Lies to Public Trust?   Kaja Tampere     141Historical context      141Trust and society     142Media and totalitarian society     143Media and transition society     144Trust and the media     146Conclusion     150Notes     153Trust in a Time of Crisis: The Mass Media as a Guardian of Trust   Amisha Mehta     155Defining trust     155Studying the mass media as a guardian of trust     159Case study: Australian medical indemnity policy crisis     161Discussion and conclusions     163Notes     166'It Was a Mascara Runnin' Kinda Day': Oprah Winfrey, Confession, Celebrity and the Formation of Trust   Sherryl Wilson     167Celebrity and the ordinary     170Oprah as confessing subject     172Celebrity and the engendering of trust     175Notes     176Branding Trust: The Ideology of Making Truth Claims through Interactive Media   Janet Jones     177The promise of technological transcendence     177Truth claims     178Exploiting the teleology of young media users     178Indymedia - The case for trust     179Low mediation solution     180Indymedia - The case against trust     181Big Brother - The case for trust     183Fear of mediation     184Big Brother - The case against trust     186Talk back!     187Notes     188The Technology of Distrust   Gary Gumpert   Susan J. Drucker     189The truth is what you create     189Social contract     189The ceremonial bugler     190Media and the social contract     191Verifying the improbable - From Lumiere to Armstrong to Mars     192The media contract     193The camera eye     194Is it real?     195From restructuring to control     195Controlling the governed and reading the governing     197Conclusion     198Notes     199Conclusions: Trust and the Media     203The End of Trust?   Vian Bakir   David M. Barlow     205Trust matters     205Illusory nature of new media     209Ways forward     210Notes     213References     214Index     237