Communication in History: Technology, Culture, Society

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Author: David Crowley

ISBN-10: 0205483887

ISBN-13: 9780205483884

Category: Mass Media - History

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Updated in a new 6th edition, Communication in History reveals how media has been influential in both maintaining social order and as powerful agents of change.With revised new readings, this anthology continues to be, as one reviewer wrote, "the only book in the sea of History of Mass Communication books that introduces readers to a more expansive, intellectually enlivening study of the relationship between human history and communication history". From print to the Internet, this book encompasses a wide-range of topics, that introduces readers to a more expansive, intellectually enlivening study of the relationship between human history and communication history.

Part 1 - Media of Early Civilization1. The Earliest Precursors of Writing, Schmandt-Besserat2. Media in Ancient Empires, Innis3. Civilization with Writing - The Incas and the Quipu, Ascher and Ascher 4. The Origins of Writing, RobinsonPart 2 - The Tradition of Western Literacy5. The Greek Legacy, Havelock6. Writing and the Alphabet Effect, Logan7. Orality, Literacy and Modern Media, Ong8. Communication and Faith in the Middle Ages, Burke and OrnsteinPart 3 - The Print Revolution9. Paper and Block Printing – From China to Europe, Carter10. The Invention of Printing, Mumford11. Aspects of the Printing Revolution, Eisenstein12. Early Modern Literacies, Graff13. The Trade in News, ThompsonPart 4 - Electricity Creates the Wired World14. Telegraphy – The Victorian Internet, Standage 15. The New Journalism, Schudson16. The Telephone Takes Command, Fischer 17. Time, Space and the Telegraph, Carey Part 5 - Image and Sound Technologies and the Emergence of Consumer Society18. Dream Worlds of Consumption, Williams19. Early Photojournalism, Keller20. Inscribing Sound, Gitelman21. The making of the Phonograph, Sterne22. Early Motion Pictures, Czitrom23. Movies Talk, Eyman24. Mass Media and the Star System, FowlesPart 6 - Radio Days25. Wireless World, Kern26. The Public Voice of Radio, Peters27. Early Radio, Douglas 28. The Golden Age of Programming, Sterling and Kitross 29. Radio Voices, Hilmes 30. Radio in the Television Age, Fornatale and Mills Part 7 - TV Times31. Television Begins, Boddy 32. The New Languages, Carpenter 33. Making Room for TV, Spigel 34. Television Transforms the News, Stephens35. Two Cultures - Television versus Print, Postman and Paglia36. TV in the New-age, JenkinsPart 8 - New Media and Old in the (Digital) Information Age37. The Control Revolution, Beniger 38. How Media Became New, Manovich39. Popularizing the Internet, Abbate40. The World Wide Web, Bolter and Grusin41. A Mobile Network Society, Castells, et al