Commonplace Learning: Ramism and its German Ramifications, 1543-1630

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Author: Howard Hotson

ISBN-10: 0198174306

ISBN-13: 9780198174301

Category: European & American Philosophy

Ramism was the most controversial pedagogical movement to sweep through the Protestant world in the latter sixteenth century. This book, the first contextualized study of this rich tradition, has wide-ranging implications for the intellectual, cultural, and social histories not only of the Holy Roman Empire but also of the entire Protestant world in the crucial decades immediately preceding the advent of the "new philosophy" in the mid-seventeenth century.

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Ramism was the most controversial pedagogical movement to sweep through the Protestant world in the latter sixteenth century. This book, the first contextualized study of this rich tradition, has wide-ranging implications for the intellectual, cultural, and social histories not only of the Holy Roman Empire but also of the entire Protestant world in the crucial decades immediately preceding the advent of the "new philosophy" in the mid-seventeenth century.

List of Figures xiAbbreviations xiiFirst-Generation Ramism1 Introduction: The Earliest German Ramism 31.i Ramism in Germany: a neglected tradition 31.ii Ramism and Calvinism: an overworked explanation 161.iii The spread of Ramism in north-western Germany: a fresh start 252 Foundations: Ramism in German Context, 1543-1600 382.i The rudiments of Ramism 382.ii Ramism and humanism, c.1580-1600 512.iii Ramism in Hanseatic cities and imperial counties 68Second-Generation Semi-Ramism3 Institutionalization: Semi-Ramism in Reformed Academies, 1580-1600 1013.i Evolution: the advent of Philippo-Ramism 1013.ii Confessionalization: Ramism and Calvinism revisited 1083.iii Expansion: Ramism and the encyclopaedia 1144 Adaptation: Post-Ramist Methods in Reformed Universities, 1590-1613 1274.i Beyond Philippo-Ramism: Casmann, Timpler, Keckermann, and Alsted 1274.ii 'Methodical Peripateticism': Heidelberg and Keckermann's systema, 1590-1601 1364.iii Precursor to the Encyclopaedia: Danzig and Keckermann's Systema systematum, 1602-1613 153Third-Generation Post-Ramist Eclecticism5 Compilation: Alsted's Cursus philosophici encyclopaedia, 1609-1620 1695.i Form: The Encyclopaedia as systema systematum 1695.ii Composition: the Encyclopaedia as bibliotheca universalis locorum communium 1865.iii Matter: the Encyclopaedia as bibliotheca philosophica 2006 Culmination: Alsted's Encyclopaedia septem tomis distincta, 1620-1630 2256.i Synthesis: the Encyclopaedia as systema harmonicum 2256.ii Expansion: from Cursus philosophici encyclopaedia (1620) toEncyclopaedia omnium disciplinarum (1630) 2466.iii Dissolution: the Encyclopaedia as Farragines disciplinarum 2547 Interim Conclusions 2747.i Destruction and further ramification, 1622-1670 2747.ii Common principles: means and ends of the German post-Ramist tradition 277Select Bibliography 295Index 307