Close-Ups of History: Three Decades Through the Lens of an AP Photographer

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Author: Henry D. Burroughs

ISBN-10: 0826217257

ISBN-13: 9780826217257

Category: Photographers - Biography

     The Berlin Airlift. The Cuban Missile Crisis. The Nixon resignation. There aren’t many people privileged to live at the front row of history, but photojournalist Henry Burroughs was one of the lucky few.\             A “shooter” for the Associated Press for thirty-three years, Burroughs was assigned to the Washington bureau, and his photos appeared frequently in newspapers around the world, as well as on the...

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A shooter for the Associated Press for thirtythree years, Henry Burroughs was assigned to the Washington bureau, and his photos appeared frequently in newspapers around the world, as well as on the covers of Life and other magazines. Closeups of History is a collection of more than one hundred photos that will amaze all who follow world events. Here is Burroughs s surreptitious shot reproduced around the world of Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain receiving his death sentence and an intimate photo of Jackie Kennedy congratulating her husband after his inaugural address. Depicting presidents and astronauts, the famous and the infamous, these images are accompanied by text that lends insight into how Burroughs went about photographing his subjects.

Foreword   Marlin Fitzwater     ixPreface     xiAcknowledgments     xiiiAwards     xvIntroduction     1The Mission of AP's Washington, D.C., Photo Department     5How I Got Started     7The End of World War II: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1944-1945     12Four Years in Postwar Germany, 1945-1949     23A Recovering Nation: Harry S. Truman, 1949-1952     83The Cold Warrior: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1952-1960     97The Camelot Years: John F. Kennedy, 1960-1963     125The Great Society: Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-1969     170Vietnam and a Nation's Agony: Richard M. Nixon, 1969-1974     198The Task of Healing: Gerald R. Ford, 1974-1975     222Epilogue     231Index     233

\ “Henry Burroughs was a great photographer who saw, and captured, it all: from World War II to the end of the Cold War, from the Nuremburg war crimes trials to the activities of seven presidents from Roosevelt to Ford. This wonderful memoir blends compelling photographs with absorbing accounts about the personalities and events that shaped our current world. The result is a memorable and moving evocation of history as it happened, told by one of the premier photojournalists of the last half century.”\ —Haynes Johnson\ \ \