Christian Theology: An Introduction

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Author: Alister E. McGrath

ISBN-10: 1405153601

ISBN-13: 9781405153607

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

Alister McGrath’s internationally-acclaimed Christian Theology: An Introduction is one of the most widely used textbooks in Christian theology. Fully revised and featuring lots of new material, this fourth edition provides an unparalleled introduction to 2,000 years of Christian thought.\ \ \ \ \ A fully revised new edition of the bestselling introductory textbook in Christian theology\ \ Features new sections on monastic schools of theology, the English Reformation, and Radical Orthodoxy\ \...

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Alister E. McGrath is Professor of Historical Theology at Oxford University, and Senior Research Fellow at Harris Manchester College, Oxford.

List of IllustrationsPrefaceTo The Reader: How to Use this WorkPt. ILandmarks: Periods, Themes, and Personalities of Christian TheologyIntroduction31The Patristic Period, c.100-4515A Clarification of Terms7An Overview of the Patristic Period8Key Theologians10Key Theological Developments142The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, c.1000-c.150026A Clarification of Terms29Key Theologians42Key Theological Developments483The Reformation and Post-Reformation Periods, c.1500-c.170055A Clarification of Terms57Key Theologians63Key Theological Developments66The Post-Reformation Movement: Confessionalism and Scholasticism68Pietism734The Modern Period, c.1700-the Present76The Enlightenment78Theological Movements since the Enlightenment86Pt. IISources and Methods5Getting Started: Preliminaries117A Working Definition of Theology117The Architecture of Theology119The Question of Prolegomena123The Nature of Faith125Can God's Existence be Proved?129The Nature of Theological Language134Commitment and Neutrality in Theology143Orthodoxy and Heresy1456The Sources of Theology151The Idea of Revelation151Models of Revelation154Natural Theology: Its Scope and Limits158Scripture163Reason182Tradition188Religious experience192Pt. IIIChristian Theology7The Doctrine of God205Is God Male?205A Personal God207Can God Suffer?213The Omnipotence of God222God in Process Thought227Theodicies: The Problem of Evil228God as Creator233The Holy Spirit2408The Doctrine of the Trinity247The Biblical Foundations of the Trinity248The Historical Development of the Doctrine: The Terms249The Historical Development of the Doctrine: The Ideas250Two Trinitarian Heresies256The Trinity: Four Models257The filioque Controversy2669The Doctrine of the Person of Christ270The Relation between Christology and Soteriology270The Place of Jesus Christ in Christian Theology272New Testament Christological Affirmations275The Patristic Debate over the Person of Christ281Models of Divine Presence in Christ29410Faith and History: A New Christological Agenda309The Enlightenment and Christology309The Problem of Faith and History313The Quest of the Historical Jesus316The Resurrection of Christ: Event and Meaning32711The Doctrine of Salvation in Christ337Christian Approaches to Salvation337The Foundations of Salvation: The Cross of Christ341The Nature of Salvation in Christ360The Scope of Salvation in Christ36412The Doctrines of Human Nature, Sin, and Grace369The Place of Humanity within Creation369The Pelagian Controversy371The Concepts of Grace and Merit377The Doctrine of Justification by Faith381The Doctrine of Predestination39413The Doctrine of the Church405The Early Development of Ecclesiology405Reformation Controversies410The Notes of the Church41714The Doctrine of the Sacraments427The Definition of a Sacrament428The Donatist Controversy: Sacramental Efficacy432The Function of the Sacraments433