Choices and Changes: Interest Groups in the Electoral Process

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Author: Michael M. Franz

ISBN-10: 1592136745

ISBN-13: 9781592136742

Category: Advertisting

\ About the Author:\ Michael M. Franz is Assistant Professor of Government and Legal Studies at Bowdoin College

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Choices and Changes is the most comprehensive examination to date of the impact of interest groups on recent American electoral politics. Richly informed, theoretically and empirically, it is the first book to explain the emergence of aggressive interest group electioneering tactics in the mid-1990s-including "soft money" contributions, issue ads, and "527s" (IRS-classified political organizations). Michael Franz argues that changing political and legal contexts have clearly influenced the behavior of interest groups. To support his argument, he tracks in detail the evolution of campaign finance laws since the 1970s, examines all soft money contributions-nearly $1 billion in total-to parties by interest groups from 1991-2002, and analyzes political action committee (PAC) contributions to candidates and parties from 1983-2002. He also draws on his own interviews with campaign finance leaders. Based on this rigorous data analysis and a formidable knowledge of its subject, Choices and Changes substantially advances our understanding of the significance of interest groups in U.S. politics.

Acknowledgments     ixThe Puzzle of Interest Group Electioneering     1Election Law and Electoral Politics Between FECA and BCRA     15A Theory of Emergent and Changing Interest Group Tactics     51Putting PACs in (Political) Context(s)     75Understanding Soft Money     95Following 527s and Watching Issue Advocacy     118Tracking the Regulatory Context     145Conclusion     172PAC Ideology Measure     189Notes     193Bibliography     207Index     217