Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Stories

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Author: Project Censored

ISBN-10: 1583226559

ISBN-13: 9781583226551

Category: Journalism

The yearly volumes of Censored, in continuous publication since 1976 and since 1995 available through Seven Stories Press, is dedicated to the stories that ought to be top features on the nightly news, but that are missing because of media bias and self-censorship. The top stories are listed democratically in order of importance according to students, faculty, and a national panel of judges. Each of the top stories is presented at length, alongside updates from the investigative reporters who...

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Censored highlights the year's most important underreported news stories, that corporate media doesn't want you to know.

Another "hysteric" librarian for freedom9Introduction : all the news that doesn't fit their print31How Project Censored stories are selected35Ch. 1The top censored stories of 2003 and 2004371Wealth inequality in twenty-first century threatens economy and democracy402Ashcroft vs. the human rights law that holds corporations accountable433Bush administration manipulates science and censors scientists454High uranium levels found in troops and civilians485The wholesale giveaway of our natural resources546The sale of electoral politics577Conservative organization drives judicial appointments618Secrets of Cheney's energy task force come to light639Widow brings RICO case against U.S. government for 9/116610New nuke plants : taxpayers support, industry profits7011The media can legally lie7312The destabilization of Haiti7613Schwarzenegger met with Enron's Ken Lay years before the California recall8014New bill threatens intellectual freedom in area studies8415U.S. develops lethal new bioweapon viruses8616Law enforcement agencies spy on innocent citizens8717U.S. government represses labor unions in Iraq in quest for business privatization9118Media and government ignore dwindling oil supplies9519Global food cartel fast becoming the world's supermarket9820Extreme weather prompts new warning from U.N.10021Forcing a world market for GMOs10122Exporting censorship to Iraq10423Brazil holds back in FTAA talks, but provides little comfort for the poor of South America10824Reinstating the draft11025Wal-mart brings inequity and low prices to the world115Censored 2005 runners-up118Ch. 2Censored Deja Vu : a review and update on important censored stories from prior yearsCh. 3Junk food news and news abuse169Ch. 4The big media giants177Lifestyles of the rich and oligopolistic189Ch. 5Media democracy in action199Ch. 6Challenging the new American censorship215Ch. 7The best of PR watch : spins of the year233Ch. 8FAIR's fourth annual "Fear & favor" report - 2003247Ch. 9Index on censorship : annual report261Ch. 10Haiti : the untold story273Ch. 11U.S. media coverage of Israel and Palestine : choosing sides285Ch. 12Death of a nation : conservative talk radio's immigration & race "curriculum"301Ch. 13A project censored investigative report : newspaper fraud victims are diverse313Ch. 14Corporate media neglects anti-globalization movements325Ch. 15The media reform movement and global media concentration335Media reform, the FCC, and the rising opposition to more consolidation342AppCensored 2004 resource guide : sources of the top 25 censored stories353