Celtic Astrology

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Author: Phyllis Vega

ISBN-10: 1564145921

ISBN-13: 9781564145925

Category: Astrology

This book reintroduces an ancient system of astrology developed by the ancient Druids through a mystical runic alphabet known as the Ogham. They used a Celtic tree calendar, in which each tree has a dryad or tree spirit, which represents the spiritual nature in human beings. Because the tree signs function somewhat like the moon signs in traditional astrology, these signs bring to light many of the details of your inner world: emotions, feelings, spirituality, and the subconscious mind. No...

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This book reintroduces an ancient system of astrology developed by the ancient Druids through a mystical runic alphabet known as the Ogham. They used a Celtic tree calendar, in which each tree has a dryad or tree spirit, which represents the spiritual nature in human beings. Because the tree signs function somewhat like the moon signs in traditional astrology, these signs bring to light many of the details of your inner world: emotions, feelings, spirituality, and the subconscious mind. No prior knowledge of astrology is necessary to use this system; all you need to know is the day and month of birth to greatly enhance the interpretation of your natal chart by adding your tree sign and the new information it conveys. The book includes a comprehensive analysis of each tree sign and each sun sign of the traditional zodiac, with an analysis of each of the tree sign/sun sign combinations, plus an exercise, spell, ritual, or meditation specifically created for each combination.

Introduction15Part 1The Druid Tree Signs211.The Celts and the Druids232.Birch (Beth)293.Rowan (Luis)374.Ash (Nion)455.Alder (Fearn)536.Willow (Saille)617.Hawthorn (Uath)698.Oak (Duir)779.Holly (Tinne)8510.Hazel (Coll)9311.Vine (Muin)10112.Ivy (Gort)10913.Reed (Ngetal)11714.Elder (Ruis)12515.The Nameless Day133Part 2The Traditional Sun Signs13716.The 12 Signs of the Zodiac139Aries: March 21-April 19142Taurus: April 20-May 20144Gemini: May 21-June 20145Cancer: June 21-July 22147Leo: July 23-August 22148Virgo: August 23-September 22149Libra: September 23-October 22151Scorpio: October 23-November 21152Sagittarius: November 22-December 21154Capricorn: December 22-January 20155Aquarius: January 21-February 18157Pisces: February 19-March 20158Part 3Tree Sign/Sun Sign Combinations16117.The Tree Sign/Sun Sign Combinations163Birch/Capricorn163Rowan/Aquarius164Ash/Aquarius165Ash/Pisces166Alder/Pisces168Alder/Aries169Willow/Aries170Willow/Taurus171Hawthorn/Taurus172Hawthorn/Gemini173Oak/Gemini175Oak/Cancer176Holly/Cancer177Holly/Leo178Hazel/Leo180Hazel/Virgo181Vine/Virgo182Vine/Libra183Ivy/Libra185Ivy/Scorpio186Reed/Scorpio187Reed/Sagittarius188Elder/Sagittarius190Elder/Capricorn191Nameless Day/Capricorn192Part 4Exercises for the Tree Sign/Sun Sign Combinations19518.Tree Sign/Sun Sign Exercises197Love Spell for Birch/Capricorn197Guided Imagery Meditation for Rowan/Aquarius199Dream Game for Ash/Aquarius202Healing Visualization for Ash/Pisces204Candle Making Project for Alder/Pisces205Banishing Spell for Alder/Aries206Past-Life Regression for Willow/Aries208Binding Spell for Willow/Taurus210Belief Garden Exercise for Hawthorn/Taurus211Yoga Meditation for Hawthorn/Gemini213Journaling Guidelines for Oak/Gemini214Spell to Sell a Home for Oak/Cancer215Potpourri Recipe for Holly/Cancer217Affirmation Exercise for Holly/Leo219Candle Meditation for Hazel/Leo220Healing Bath for Hazel/Virgo221Chakra Balancing Exercise for Vine/Virgo222Creating a Dream Lover for Vine/Libra226Love Charm for Ivy/Libra228Cleansing and Clearing Ritual for Ivy/Scorpio229Transformation Ritual for Reed/Scorpio230Amulet of Protection for Reed/Sagittarius232Astral Travel Technique for Elder/Sagittarius234Prosperity Spell for Elder/Capricorn236Self-Blessing Ritual for Nameless Day/Capricorn237Appendix ABeth-Luis-Nion Translator239Appendix BDates for the Tree/Sun Combinations240Bibliography and Internet Resources243Index249About the Author255