Buying Styles: Simple Lessons in Selling the Way Your Customers Buys

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Author: Michael Wilkinson

ISBN-10: 081441527X

ISBN-13: 9780814415276

Category: Customer Service

“Throughout my career as a sales trainer, I have been teaching sellers to be ‘buying facilitators.’ Buying Styles can help salespeople gain emotional trust with their buyers.” — Mike Bosworth, author, Solution Selling, coauthor, Customer-Centric Selling\ What if you could make just a few small, simple adjustments to your selling style and instantly close 10 to 20 percent more sales?\ Buying Styles unlocks a fundamental truth about selling and buying: Just as people are different, they respond...

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“Throughout my career as a sales trainer, I have been teaching sellers to be ‘buying facilitators.’ Buying Styles can help salespeople gain emotional trust with their buyers.” — Mike Bosworth, author, Solution Selling, coauthor, Customer-Centric SellingWhat if you could make just a few small, simple adjustments to your selling style and instantly close 10 to 20 percent more sales?Buying Styles unlocks a fundamental truth about selling and buying: Just as people are different, they respond to sales approaches in very different ways. The good news is that there are just four main buying styles, and when you can recognize which one best defines your customer, then tailor your message to appeal to that style, your success rate will radically improve.Written as a set of engaging, eye-opening conversations and packaged in short, easy-to-read chapters, Buying Styles gives you the tools for accu­rately sizing up your clients’ buying preferences and altering your selling approaches to match their styles. You’ll find: ● Strategies for recognizing the four main buying styles ● Insights into why salespeople find some styles easy to sell to while others are difficult and frustrating ● Tips on what to do—and what not to do—when selling to each style ● Classic mistakes salespeople make in selling to different styles ● Telltale signs that you are using the wrong approach, and much more

Introduction\ What This Book Will Do\ for You\ “I hate it when salespeople ________”\ Fill in the blank. Think about some of your worse experiences\ with salespeople. Think about the things that salespeople\ have done that turned you off. How would you fill in the\ blank? Do you hate it when . . .\ • They are pushy?\ • They don’t get to the point?\ • They don’t know their product?\ • They bore you with facts and figures?\ • They don’t listen or take the time to understand you\ and your needs?\ Now for the more important question: How would your\ customers fill in the blank? If your answer is, “It depends on the\ customer,” then you are ready for this book.\ Our purpose with Buying Styles: Simple Lessons for\ Selling the Way Your Customer Buys is to provide an entertaining\ quick read that helps sales professionals learn the primary\ buying styles of customers, as well as how to identify and\ adapt to each. Unfortunately, many salespeople know only one\ way to sell—their way. What they often fail to understand is\ that they could be so much more successful by selling the way\ their customer buys.\ Do you sell the same way to every customer? Do you know\ the basic buying styles and the key strategies for adapting to\ each one? Do you know the warning signs that suggest you are\ probably selling in the wrong style for your customer?\ The message of Buying Styles is simple. As our protagonist\ says:\ “Adapt or continue to be so much less\ successful than you could be.”\ With Buying Styles, we introduce a powerful new book format\ called the “learning adventure.” Somewhat similar to a\ parable, this learning adventure tells the story of a fictional\ character, Dave, who has just lost a major sale and is clueless\ as to why. At the urging of his CEO, Dave attends a half-day\ seminar on buying styles.\ Unlike in a parable, however, the meat of the book is not\ buried at the end of the story. In our learning adventure,\ 90 percent of the story takes place in the classroom.\ Therefore, the story is the meat.\ This learning adventure provides a powerful vehicle for\ readers to gain insights in three ways:\ • You receive the buying styles concepts directly from\ the story’s course facilitator as if you were sitting in\ the classroom along with Dave.\ • At the same time, you experience the information\ through Dave’s eyes. You hear his objections, his concerns,\ and his fears, and you feel his triumphs as he\ gains insight as to why he lost this major sale while\ other sales had been so much easier for him.\ • While in the learning adventure, you observe the interactions\ of the various people in the classroom and are\ able to recognize the buying style and selling style\ conflicts as they play out on a personal level.\ Since our intended audience is salespeople, we have\ designed Buying Styles to be a series of short chapters, with\ each one contributing significantly to the message of the book.\ However, for those readers who want to cut to the chase (and\ you’ll learn in Chapter 3 why you feel this way), we suggest you\ first read Chapters 3, 5, and 7.\ • Chapter 3 provides you with a foundational understanding\ of the four basic buying styles.\ • Chapter 5 presents you with the techniques for identifying\ the buying style of your customer.\ • Chapter 7 offers you a summary for how to sell to\ each style.\ Once you have read these targeted sections, you may want\ to go back and pick up the information in the other chapters to\ more fully understand the concept of buying styles.\ For all other readers who wish to get the comprehensive\ message the first time, grab your highlighter and get ready for\ an adventure in learning to sell the way your customer buys.

Acknowledgments viiIntroduction: What This Book Will Do for You 1Chapter 1 Looking for Solutions 5Chapter 2 Identifying the Behaviors We Hate from Customers 9Chapter 3 Recognizing the Four Basic Buying Styles 15Chapter 4 Selling to Your Boss 35Chapter 5 Identifying the Buying Styles of Others 61Chapter 6 Comparing Selling Styles and Buying Styles 79Chapter 7 Tailoring Your Sales Approach to Your Customer's Buying Style 93Chapter 8 Recognizing Style Clashes 109Chapter 9 Planning Your Next Steps 127Chapter 10 One Year Later 131Afterword 135Appendix: Style Summary 137Bibliography 147About the Authors 149

\ From the Publisher“Quick, entertaining, insightful…clears a path for sales professionals to be dramatically more learning to sell the way their customers buy.” -- Hudson Valley Business Journal\ " time your performance evaluation comes up, you'll be able to wow your peers with the impressive numbers gained from reading this book.” -- Houston Business Journal\ \ \