Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery

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Author: Lindsey Hall

ISBN-10: 0936077514

ISBN-13: 9780936077512

Category: Psychological Disorders

Bulimia is a complex problem with intricate roots, and recovery is best accomplished with sound information, specific tasks, and the support of others. All of that is provided in this completely revised and updated guidebook, which includes:\ Answers to questions about bulimia\ Insight from over 400 recovered and recovering bulimics\ Lindsey Hall's story, Eat Without Fear\ Treatment options\ Things to do instead of bingeing\ Advice for loved-ones\ A two-week program to stop bingeing\ \ \...

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This intimate self-help guidebook offers a complete understanding of bulimia and a plan for recovery. It includes a two-week program to stop bingeing, ideas for things to do instead of bingeing, a guide for support groups, specific advice for loved ones, and "Eat Without Fear," Lindsey Hall's story of her self-cure, which has inspired thousands of other bulimics. This 25th anniversary edition updates all information from previous editions, with additional material on assessment, new diagnostic categories, men and bulimia, evidence-based treatment, family-assisted recovery, the influence of media (including the Internet), the essentials of "long-term recovery," and much more. Drawing on its established track record of success, Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery includes input from 400 recovered bulimics and is packed with valuable tips for therapists, educators, bulimics, and their loved ones. William Davis This is an excellent book. It offers accurate information, wise counsel and genuine hope for everyone who suffers with bulimia...also valuable reading for the mental health professional.

For nine years, I binged and vomited up to five times daily. Although therewere a few days without a binge, the thoughts were always there, even in my dreams. It was painful and frightening. No one knew about my bulimia, because I kept it safely hidden behind a facade of competence, happiness, and average body weight. When my health and marriage began to fail, however, a series of coincidences brought me face to face with recovery, and I soon became devoted to freeing myself from my obsession with food.\ I worked hard and willingly, and underwent an amazing transformation. As the bulimic thoughts and behavior subsided, I was able to see how it had served me all those years. It was an effective tool for emotional, physical, and spiritual survival when I knew no other. It had been a friend, a lover, a hiding place, a voice, a quest for meaning and love. It was a way to cope with growing up in a frightening and uncertain world. But what had started as an innocent diet became a monster which threatened to devour my entire life.

Introduction xiPART I. Understanding Bulimia Chapter 1. Questions Most Often Asked about Bulimia   What is bulimia? 20   Why do people become bulimic? 21   Why are bulimics mainly women? 25   What special issues are faced by men with bulimia? 33   How is bulimia related to sexual trauma? 35   How does bulimia affect my relationships? 39   Is it the same as anorexia nervosa? 43   What is a typical binge? 45   What are the medical dangers? 46   What thoughts and feelings are associated with it? 49 What other behaviors do bulimics share? 52   What does it feel like to binge-vomit? 53   How do I know if I have bulimia? 55   How long does it take to get better? 56   Can medication help in recovery? 59   How do I learn to eat correctly? 61   If I quit purging, will I gain weight? 64   How should I choose a therapist? 67   What can I do to help someone who has bulimia? 70   What can be done to prevent eating disorders? 71 Chapter 2. Eat Without Fear: A True Story of the Binge-Purge Syndrome   Introduction 75   Beginning 77   Living with a Habit 84   Marriage with a Secret Life 86   Shift in Focus 89   Turning Point 93   Ending the Behavior 95   Lasting Recovery 83 PART II. Overcoming Bulimia Chapter 3. How to Start   The Decision to Stop 107   Setting Reasonable Goals 110   Encouragement: Why Get Better? 113 Chapter 4. Get Support! 117   Family Support 119   Professional Therapy 123   Eating Disorders Treatment Centers 126   Other Support 127   Medical and Dental Examinations 130 Chapter 5. What Has Worked for Many 133   Looking Beyond the Symptoms 134   Journal Writing 136   Practicing Self Esteem 140   Expressing Yourself 143   Relaxation 145   Working on Body Image 148   Healthy Physical Exercise 153   Experiencing Hungers and Feelings 156   Cultivating Relationships 158   Spiritual Pursuits 162   Changing Your Mind 166   Challenging Cultural Influences 170 Chapter 6. Healthy Eating and Healthy Weight 175   Dieting and Set Point 176   Getting Past Food Fears 178   Meal Planning 181   Special Situations 183 Chapter 7. Things to Do Instead of Bingeing 187   Immediate 188   Short-term 190   Long-term 193 Chapter 8. Advice for Loved Ones 195 Chapter 9. A Three-Week Program to Stop Bingeing 203 Chapter 10. A Guide for Support Groups 261   Forming the Group 261   Rules of the Group 262   Agendas for Six Meetings 263 Resources 273 Bibliography 277 Index 281

\ William DavisThis is an excellent book. It offers accurate information, wise counsel and genuine hope for everyone who suffers with bulimia...also valuable reading for the mental health professional.\ \