Bulfinch's Medieval Mythology: The Age of Chivalry

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Author: Thomas Bulfinch

ISBN-10: 0486436535

ISBN-13: 9780486436531

Category: General & Miscellaneous Literary Criticism

Bulfinch's Mythology is a classic retelling of the great myths and legends, from ancient Greece and Rome to the time of Charlemagne. The second volume, reprinted here, focuses on Arthurian legends, and covers such notables as Sir Gawain, Launcelot, Richard the Lion-Hearted, Tristan and Isolde, Robin Hood, and much more.

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Bulfinch's Mythology is a classic retelling of the great myths and legends, from ancient Greece and Rome to the time of Charlemagne. The second volume, reprinted here, focuses on Arthurian legends, and covers such notables as Sir Gawin, Launcelot, Richard the Lion-Hearted, Tristan and Isolde, Robin Hood, and much more.

Part IKing Arthur and His KnightsI.Introduction1II.The Mythical History of England12III.Arthur20IV.Caradoc Briefbras40V.Sir Gawain44VI.Launcelot of the Lake48VII.The Story of Launcelot: The Adventure of the Cart56VIII.The Story of Launcelot: The Lady of Shalott63IX.The Story of Launcelot: Queen Guenever's Peril67X.The Story of Tristram of Lyonesse70XI.Tristram and Isoude76XII.The Story of Sir Tristram81XIII.The End of the Story of Sir Tristram87XIV.The Story of Perceval93XV.The Quest of the Sangreal99XVI.The End of the Quest108XVII.Sir Agrivain's Treason119XVIII.Morte d'Arthur125Part IIThe MabinogeonXIX.The Britons137XX.The Lady of the Fountain140XXI.The Lady of the Fountain (continued)145XXII.The Lady of the Fountain (continued)151XXIII.Geraint, the Son of Erbin156XXIV.Geraint, the Son of Erbin (continued)164XXV.Geraint, the Son of Erbin (continued)170XXVI.Pwyll, Prince of Dyved178XXVII.Branwen, the Daughter of Llyr182XXVIII.Manawyddan189XXIX.Kilwich and Olwen197XXX.Kilwich and Olwen (continued)206XXXI.Peredur, the Son of Evrawc211XXXII.Taliesin218Part IIIThe Knights of English HistoryXXXIII.King Richard and the Third Crusade227XXXIV.Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest245XXXV.Robin Hood and His Adventures252XXXVI.Chevy Chase259XXXVII.The Battle of Otterbourne265XXXVIII.Edward the Black Prince272Index289