Building Profit Through Building People: Making Your Workforce the Strongest Link in the Value-Profit Chain

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Author: Ken Carrig

ISBN-10: 1586440691

ISBN-13: 9781586440695

Category: Business Life & Skills

This instructive field book will guide human resource professionals and company management in their use of the profit value chain to build profitability through good management. Instruction for human resource professionals on becoming successful strategic partners in their companies and includeds information for company management on how strategic human resource can contribute to an organization's financial success. It focuses on...

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This instructive field book will guide human resource professionals and company management in their use of the profit value chain to build profitability through good management. Instruction for human resource professionals on becoming successful strategic partners in their companies and includeds information for company management on how strategic human resource can contribute to an organization's financial success. It focuses on practical, "how-to" steps in implementing value profit chain principles using the experiences of SYSCO, Sears, Continental Airlines, and other large, well-known organizations. HR Magazine Ken Carrig and Patrick M. Wright emphasize that ... organizations that build a committed, interested, and engaged workforce can gain a true competitive advantage.

Acknowledgements     xiIntroduction     xviiA Compelling Argument: It's All about People     1The Value-Profit Chain Redefined     15Your Customer: A Critical Link in the Value-Profit Model     33Employee Loyalty and Satisfaction, and the Employer Brand     45The 5-STAR Model Employer Brand     61The 5-STAR Management Model     71Testing the 5-STAR Model     99Embedding the 5-STAR Model     107Building Dynamic 5-STAR Capability     117A Strategic Summons for Human Resources     133Customer Satisfaction Survey SYSCO     147Cover Letter for the Work Climate Survey, SYSCO     151Work Climate Improvement Survey, SYSCO     153Lesson Outline from Strengthening the Frontline Supervisor Program, SYSCO     167Some High-Impact Practices and Programs, SYSCO     171Resources     179References     183Index     187

\ HR MagazineKen Carrig and Patrick M. Wright emphasize that ... organizations that build a committed, interested, and engaged workforce can gain a true competitive advantage.\ \