Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: Political-Economic Perspectives on Human Biology

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Author: Alan H. Goodman

ISBN-10: 0472066064

ISBN-13: 9780472066063

Category: Science

Anthropology, with its dual emphasis on biology and culture, is--or should be--the discipline most suited to the study of the complex interactions between these aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, since the early decades of this century, biological and cultural anthropology have grown distinct, and a holistic vision of anthropology has suffered.\ This book brings culture and biology back together in new and refreshing ways. Directly addressing earlier criticisms of biological anthropology,...

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Shows the potential for a reintegrated, critical, and politically relevant biocultural anthropology

ForewordAcknowledgmentsSeries IntroductionPt. 1Historical Overview and Theoretical Developments1Traversing the Chasm between Biology and Culture: An Introduction32The Evolution of Human Adaptability Paradigms: Toward a Biology of Poverty433Political Economy and Social Fields754The Development of Critical Medical Anthropology: Implications for Biological Anthropology93Pt. 2Case Studies and Examples: Past Populations5Linking Political Economy and Human Biology: Lessons from North American Archaeology1276The Biological Consequences of Inequality in Antiquity1477Owning the Sins of the Past: Historical Trends, Missed Opportunities, and New Directions in the Study of Human Remains1718Nature, Nurture, and the Determinants of Infant Mortality: A Case Study from Massachusetts, 1830-19201919Unequal in Death as in Life: A Sociopolitical Analysis of the 1813 Mexico City Typhus Epidemic229Pt. 3Case Studies and Examples: Contemporary Populations10Illness, Social Relations, and Household Production and Reproduction in the Andes of Southern Peru24511On the (Un)Natural History of the Tupi-Monde Indians: Bioanthropology and Change in the Brazilian Amazon26912The Political Ecology of Population Increase and Malnutrition in Southern Honduras29513The Biocultural Impact of Tourism on Mayan Communities31714Poverty and Nutrition in Eastern Kentucky: The Political Economy of Childhood Growth339Pt. 4Steps toward a Critical Biological Anthropology15Race, Racism, and Anthropology35916Beyond European Enlightenment: Toward a Critical and Humanistic Human Biology37917Latin American Social Medicine and the Politics of Theory40718Nature, Political Ecology, and Social Practice: Toward an Academic and Political Agenda42519What Could Be: Biocultural Anthropology for the Next Generation451Contributors475Index479