Brave New Neighborhoods: The Privatization of Public Space

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Author: Margaret Kohn

ISBN-10: 0415944635

ISBN-13: 9780415944632

Category: Civil Liberties

Fighting for First Amendment rights is as popular a pastime as ever, but just because you can get on your soapbox doesn't mean anyone will be there to listen. Town squares have emptied out as shoppers decamp for the megamalls; gated communities keep pesky signature gathering activists away; even most internet chatrooms are run by the major media companies. Brave New Neighborhood sconsiders what can be done to protect and revitalize our public spaces.

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Fighting for First Amendment rights is as popular a pastime as ever, but just because you can get on your soapbox doesn't mean anyone will be there to listen. Town squares have emptied out as shoppers decamp for the megamalls; gated communities keep pesky signature gathering activists away; even most internet chatrooms are run by the major media companies. Brave New Neighborhood considers what can be done to protect and revitalize our public spaces.

Ch. 1Introduction1Ch. 2Weapons of the Wobblies : the street-speaking fights23Ch. 3The public forum doctrine47Ch. 4The mauling of public space69Ch. 5God, Caesar, and the constitution93Ch. 6Brave new neighborhoods115Ch. 7Battery Park City141Ch. 8Homeless-free zones : three critiques167Ch. 9Conclusion : three rationales for the provision of public goods189Ch. 10Afterword : no Central Park in cyberspace207Index223