Branding the Teleself: Media Effects Discourse and the Changing Self

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Author: Ernest A. Hakanen

ISBN-10: 0739117343

ISBN-13: 9780739117347

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Branding the Teleself is a discourse on the social scientific study of media effects with the purpose of revealing changes in how our selves have been reconceived in its study, how the discourse generated further important changes in the self, and how our everyday selves shape and are shaped by social, economic, and political structures. It uncovers a self that has developed through various stages to become a new self that Ernest A. Hakanen dubs the "teleself," one that knowingly delivers...

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An ongoing topic of debate in our times is how exactly the media affects the public. Hakanen analyzes that debate as it has developed in media effects research in order to reveal the changes from a modern to a postmodern self.

Figures viiAcknowledgements ixIntroduction: Branding the Teleself 11 Branded: An Essay on the Teleself 72 Tools for Analysis: Social Psychology as History, the Social Grid, and Kuhn's Influence on Media Effects History 153 The Passive Self 354 The Active Self 495 The Commodified Self 616 A Turn to the Teleself 717 Ferment of the Teleself: Releasing the Free Agent 93Appendix: Poststructuralism and Critical Theory 101References 117Index 123

\ Kenneth J. GergenHakanen offers a fascinating and innovative account of the self in today's technologically saturated world, and the ways in which our very reflections on media effects contribute to the cultural shift. The resulting portrait of the teleself is scarcely flattering, but if Hakanen's analysis is on target, we are courting illusions that are ultimately enslaving.\ \