Biological Micro- and Nanotribology

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Author: Matthias Scherge

ISBN-10: 3540411887

ISBN-13: 9783540411888

Category: Electronics - Microelectronics

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This book is written for scientists and engineers wishing to become familiar with biological micro- and nanotribology as a new interdisciplinary field of research combining methods and knowledge of physics, chemistry, mechanics and biology. Biological micro- and nanotribology aims to gather information about friction, adhesion and wear of biological systems and to apply this new knowledge to the design of micro-electro-mechanical systems, the development of new types of monolayer lubrication, the invention of new adhesives or the construction of artificial joints. Biologists, chemists, physicists and tribologists and many other applied scientists will find this book an essential addition to their libraries. Moreover, this book also gives an introduction to the higher levels of micromechanical analysis. It will provide valuable assistance for graduate students intending to become active in interdisciplinary research.

Pt. IBasics and Physical Tools1Introduction32Physical Principles of Micro- and Nanotribology7Pt. IIBiological Friction Systems3Biological Frictional and Adhesive Systems794Frictional Devices of Insects129Pt. IIITest Equipment5Microscale Test Equipment1536Nanoscale Probe Techniques1797Microscopy Techniques193Pt. IVCase Studies8Samples, Sample Preparation and Tester Setup2259Case Study I: Indentation and Adhesion23110Case Study II: Friction24311Case Study III: Material Properties25112Outlook255App. A: Contact Models259App. B: Capillary Theory261App. C: Glossary265App. D: List of Symbols273References277Index299