Bicycling and the Law: Your Rights as a Cyclist

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Author: Bob Mionske

ISBN-10: 1931382999

ISBN-13: 9781931382991

Category: United States Law - General & Miscellaneous

"Cyclists everywhere can use Bicycling & the Law to actively protect their right to the road. You can find good advice for any problem you face as a cyclist-from protecting your bike against theft, to fighting a traffic ticket, to prosecuting harassers like the one who tried to run me over."\ Every day, bicycle riders encounter the challenges of commuting in traffic, over-enthusiastic dogs, road hazards, traffic codes, harassment, road rage, theft, and property damage. If you ride a bike,...

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According to statistics compiled by the League of American Bicyclists, more than 57 million Americans rode a bicycle in 2005. Of these, more than 9 million describe themselves as "active cyclists" — weekend riders, off-road riders, commuters, and amateur and professional athletes. These 9 million face the daily hazards of commuting in traffic, overenthusiastic dogs, faulty roads, harassment, road rage, and bicycle theft. This book was written for them. Bicycling and the Law is designed to be the primary resource for cyclists faced with a legal question. It provides readers with information that can help them avoid many legal problems in the first place, and informs them of their rights, their responsibilities, and what steps to take if they do encounter a legal problem. This useful guide makes the law both entertaining and comprehensible, presenting an accurate and thorough explanation of the laws governing bicycles and the activity of bicycling.

Foreword     VIIPreface     IXAcknowledgments     XIIIAn Introduction to Your Legal Rights     1Your Rights and Duties under the Law     15Bicycle Accidents and Other Hazards     115A Cyclist's Guide to Insurance     169Cyclist Harassment and What You Can Do about It     193What You Need to Know about Bicycle Theft     255Defective Products Law for Cyclists     291Liability Waivers: Can You Really Sign Your Rights Away?     307Conclusion     345Glossary     349Index     357About the Author     368