Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric, and Handbook

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Author: Susan Bachmann

ISBN-10: 0321355628

ISBN-13: 9780321355621

Category: English Grammar

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Between Worlds opens with more than 75 readings (essays, stories, poems, film reviews, and a play) all centered around the theme of “in-between-ness”–being caught between generations, living with diverse cultures, dealing with gender conflicts, and exploring differing perceptions of the self and others. A new chapter, “Between Screens,” provides critical thinking and writing assignments as well as film reviews for five provocative, readily-available films, ideal for composition courses. A substantial rhetoric section traces several student papers-in-progress through the prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing processes and covers the rhetorical strategies using student and professional essays as models. A research chapter with information on using and documenting sources in MLA and APA style and a brief handbook section are also included. Between Worlds emphasizes the importance of reading, critical thinking, and analysis in all college writing assignments.

PrefacePt. IThe Reader1Ch. 1Between Generations3Thanksgiving4The Ties That Bind7The Only Child11Ignorance is Not Bliss14Senior-Teener: A New Hybrid17Digging21Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A National Perspective23Your Place is Empty27My Man Bovanne46Ch. 2Between Genders54The Appeal of the Androgynous Man55The Androgynous Man59A New Vision of Masculinity63Not All Men are Sly Foxes72Men as Success Objects75Women: Invisible Cages80A Work of Artifice87Date Rape89When a Woman Says No98Where are You Going, Where Have You Been?101Angry Young Men118Ch. 3Between Cultures123Living in Two Worlds124To Live in the Borderlands Means You...127In Rooms of Women130"Indians": Textualism, Morality, and the Problem of History137Crimes Against Humanity159On the Subway168Proper Care and Maintenance170When the Government Decides Your Race184Like Mexicans188Ch. 4Between Perceptions194The Bridge Poem195Living under Circe's Spell198An Open Letter to Jerry Lewis201The Blind Always Come as Such a Surprise205Discrimination at Large207Bodily Harm210The Myth of Thin216Black Men and Public Space219The Atlanta Riot224Mommy, What Does "Nigger" Mean?230Passing234Ch. 5Between Values240Waste241Solid Waste: Treasure in Trash244Coke249Who's Not Supporting Whom?252The Seinfeld Syndrome260Is Seinfeld the Best Comedy Ever?266Discriminating Tastes: The Prejudice of Personal Preferences269In Groups We Shrink274Why Johnny Can't Disobey277Second Thoughts on the Information Highway287Get a Life?291Three Ways of Meeting Oppression295Pt. IIThe Rhetoric299Ch. 6Prewriting as Discovery301Ch. 7Organizing and Drafting an Essay322Ch. 8Revising an Essay350Ch. 9Methods for Developing Essays376Ch. 10Writing the Research Paper455Pt. IIIThe Handbook509Ch. 11Understanding How Sentences Work513Ch. 12Understanding Common Errors522Ch. 13Understanding Punctuation539Ch. 14Understanding Faulty Word Choice558Ch. 15Understanding Commonly Confused Words562Acknowledgments572Author Index574Subject and Title Index576