Between Saint James and Erasmus: Studies in Late-Medieval Religious Life - Devotion and Pilgrimage in the Netherlands

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Author: Jan van Herwaarden

ISBN-10: 9004129847

ISBN-13: 9789004129849

Category: General & Miscellaneous European History

This volume is divided into four sections: late medieval devotion in the Netherlands; medieval Christian pilgrimage; the medieval cult of St. James the Great and Erasmiana. Variety and coherence sound the keynote in the title and the contents of the book. Religious concepts and expressions of religious faith such as pilgrimages and indulgences are representative of late-medieval Christianity. In this book they refer specifically to the medieval cult of St. James the Great, while for Erasmus...

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Pilgrimages, especially those to Santiago de Compostela, formed and essential part of late-medieval devotional life, but were criticized by people like Erasmus who in this book is considered from the late-medieval point of view.

PrefaceBibliographical noteList of AbbreviationsList of IllustrationsCh. 1Geert Groote's Tract on Meditation: De quattuor generibus meditabilium3Ch. 2Religion and Society: The Cult of the Eucharist and the Devotion to Christ's Passion15Ch. 3Late-Medieval Religion and Expression of Faith: Pilgrimages to Jerusalem and the Cult of the Passion and the Way of the Cross36AppThe Via Crucis and the Via Captivitatis according to Christiaan van Adrichem81Ch. 4Medieval Indulgences and Devotional Life in the Netherlands86Ch. 5Medieval Pilgrimages125AppMedieval Places of Pilgrimage in the Northern Netherlands205Ch. 6Pilgrimages to Rome from the North211Ch. 7Did Christian Pilgrimages Affect Social Status?241Ch. 8Pilgrimages and Social Prestige: Some Reflections on a Theme253Ch. 9The Origins of the Cult of St. James of Compostela311Ch. 10The Integrity of the Text of the Liber Sancti Jacobi in the Codex Calixtinus355Ch. 11Obligatory Pilgrimages and the Cult of Santiago de Compostela in the Netherlands in the Middle Ages379Ch. 12The Apostle James the Great in Middle-Dutch Literature413Ch. 13The Spanish Cult of St. James and Islam: Legends as History451AppThe emperor Charles V as James Matamoros493Ch. 14Erasmus of Rotterdam: the Image and the Reality509Ch. 15Erasmus and his Ad Fontes534Ch. 16Erasmus in the World: Appearance and Reality562AppErasmus on Cain593Ch. 17A Debate - 1688-1690; about Erasmus: Protagonist of Religious Unity or Forerunner of Jansenism?596Ch. 18Burckhardt and Erasmus: a Misunderstanding612Ch. 19Erasmus's Doctorate in Turin, Free Thought and Rotterdam: 1506-1876637AppLatin text and English Translation of Erasmus's Diploma as Doctor of Theology663Selected bibliography of Jan van Herwaarden667Index of Names671Index of Places681Index of Subjects689