Better Punctuation in 30 Minutes a Day

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Author: Ceil Cleveland

ISBN-10: 156414626X

ISBN-13: 9781564146267

Category: English Grammar

Who cares about commas, semicolons, dashes, and hyphens? Well, you should. A misplaced punctuation mark can confuse physicians and surgeons, cause thousands of dollars in legal fees, misinform judges, puzzle bankers, misguide stockbrokers...and create lumps in your pudding.\ You don't need a teacher with a mouthful of jargon to help you understand how to make yourself clearly understood. Better Punctuation in 30 Minutes a Day will help you teach yourself. This small, step-by-step handbook is...

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Who cares about commas, semicolons, dashes, and hyphens? Well, you should. A misplaced punctuation mark can confuse physicians and surgeons, cause thousands of dollars in legal fees, misinform judges, puzzle bankers, misguide stockbrokers...and create lumps in your pudding.You don't need a teacher with a mouthful of jargon to help you understand how to make yourself clearly understood. Better Punctuation in 30 Minutes a Day will help you teach yourself. This small, step-by-step handbook is your indispensable guide if you need to:Compose high school or college papers.Apply to college or for a job.Write a resume or an application.Communicate your thoughts to anyone, from your landlord to your loved one.You can work on your own, at your own speed, and within your own time frame.

Introduction11Chapter 1Commas191.1Comma Problems/Common Problems191.2Compound Sentences19Trial Exercises201.3Complex Sentences21Trial Exercises211.4Compound-Complex Sentences22Trial Exercises231.5Introductory Elements23Trial Exercises24Necessary Elements25Apposotives27Trial Exercises281.6Parenthetical Comments29Trial Exercises301.7Items in a Series30Trial Exercises311.8Key to Trial Exercises321.9Programmed Instruction351.10Diagnostic Exercises351.11Key to Diagnostic Exercises381.12Review: Your Toolbox42Chapter 2End Punctuation452.1Periods452.2Question Marks482.3Exclamation Points492.4Exercises512.5Key to Exercises53Chapter 3Semicolons and Colons573.1Joining Independent Clauses or Sentences573.2Making Transitions583.3Linking Lists After a Colon603.4Linking a Series613.5Exercises623.6Key to Exercises653.7Colons713.8Exercises743.9Key to Exercises77Chapter 4Apostrophes814.1Contractions824.2Possessives834.3Plurals844.4The Exceptional Apostrophe864.5Exercises874.6Key to Exercises96Chapter 5Quotation Marks1015.1Direct Quotations1015.2Titles of Short Works1035.3Definitions and Words as Words1045.4Ironic Distance1045.5Block Quotations1055.6Quoting Poetry1065.7Big Don'ts1075.8Punctuation With Quotation Marks1095.9Single Quotation Marks1105.10Exercises1115.11Key to Exercises117Chapter 6Hyphens and Dashes1216.1Hyphens1216.2Hyphenated Numbers1236.3Exercises1256.4Key to Exercises1285.5Dashes1316.6Exercises1346.7Key to Exercises137Chapter 7Capitalization1417.1First Words1417.2Proper Names and Titles1427.3Adjectives Formed by Proper Nouns1447.4Geographic Regions1447.5Exercises1457.6Key to Exercises149Chapter 8Abbreviations, Numbers, and Italics1538.1Proper Names1538.2Numbers1558.3Italics1568.4Exercises1608.5Key to Exercises163Chapter 9Parentheses and Brackets1679.1Parentheses1679.2Brackets1699.3Exercises1719.4Key to Exercises176Chapter 10Slashes and Ellipses18310.1Slashes18310.2Ellipses18510.3Exercises18710.4Key to Exercises206Postscript211Works Cited213Works Consulted215Index217About the Author223