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Author: David Alan Johnson

ISBN-10: 0781811732

ISBN-13: 9780781811736

Category: Police & Law Enforcement Officers - Biography

"At 4 AM on a foggy morning in 1942, Nazi submarines discharged eight men along the coasts of Long Island and Florida. A few days later, J. Edgar Hoover further burnished his reputation by announcing the swift capture of Nazi soldiers found prowling our shores, intent on sabotage." "Omitted from the record (and still denied by the FBI) is the true story behind Hoover's greatest publicity coup: the saboteurs' leader, George Dasch, betrayed his own country by turning himself in first to a...

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"At 4 AM on a foggy morning in 1942, Nazi submarines discharged eight men along the coasts of Long Island and Florida. A few days later, J. Edgar Hoover further burnished his reputation by announcing the swift capture of Nazi soldiers found prowling our shores, intent on sabotage." "Omitted from the record (and still denied by the FBI) is the true story behind Hoover's greatest publicity coup: the saboteurs' leader, George Dasch, betrayed his own country by turning himself in first to a disbelieving FBI. Hoover promised Dasch clemency and assurances that the jerry-rigged "military tribunal" created to try the men as "unlawful combatants" was merely a formality to protect loved ones from Nazi retribution." Using documentation from the FBI archives, interviews and memoirs, David Alan Johnson carefully recounts the mounting betrayals in this saga.

Acknowledgments     viiPreface     xiTo America and Back     1Operation Pastorius     19Differing Objectives     37Getting off the Beach     67"Don't Ask Me Nothing"     101The Rude Awakening     123The Verdict Was Already In     157Not from Fear     199Reputation and Notoriety     215Outcasts and Celebrities     241Afterword: History Repeats     259Bibliography     275Index     283