Belief in Media: Cultural Perspectives on Media and Christianity

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Author: Peter Horsfield

ISBN-10: 0754638308

ISBN-13: 9780754638308

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

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Media, culture and religion : an introductionPt. IThe cultural perspective11Reconceptualizing religion and media in a post-national, postmodern world : a critical historical introduction72Theology, church and media - contours in a changing cultural terrain233Because God is near, God is real : symbolic realism in US Latino popular Catholicism and medieval Christianity334Notes on belief and social circulation (science fiction narratives)49Pt. IIMediated Christianity615Pentecostal media images and religious globalization in sub-Saharan Africa656Identities, religion and melodrama : a view from the cultural dimension of the Latin American Telenovela817Visual media and Ethiopian Protestantism918From morality tales to horror movies : towards an understanding of the popularity of West African video film1079Religion and meaning in the digital age : field research on Internet/Web religion121Pt. IIIMedia culture and Christian institutions13710Making religious media : notes from the field14111Rescripting religious education in media culture15312Changes in the Thai Catholic way of life16513The US Catholic church sexual abuse scandal : a media/religion case study179Pt. IVAn overview19514Major issues in the study of media, religion and culture197