Basic Theology: A Popular Systemic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth

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Author: Ryrie

ISBN-10: 0802427340

ISBN-13: 9780802427342

Category: General & Miscellaneous Theology

Everyone is a theologian of sorts. Theology simply means thinking about God and expressing those thoughts in some way. But sloppy theology is a problem. As Christians, our thoughts about God need to coincide with what He has said about Himself in the Bible. With his clear understanding of the Scriptures and unpretentious writing style, Charles Ryrie has written Basic Theology for every student of God's Word, from the devotional student to the seminary student. Ryrie's name has become...

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Theology is for everyone.Everyone is a theologian of sorts. Theology simply means thinking about God and expressing those thoughts in some way. But sloppy theology is a problem. As Christians, our thoughts about God need to coincide with what He's said about Himself in the Bible. With his clear understanding of the Scriptures and unpretentious writing style, Charles Ryrie has written Basic Theology for every student of God's Word, from the devotional student to the seminary student.Ryrie's name has become synonymous with dispensational theology and his texts on the subject invaluable to the Bible scholar. Now Ryrie's Basic Theology is available to you from Moody Press, the company that brings you the Ryrie Study Bible. Featuring charts, definitions, and Scripture and subject indices, Basic Theology will give you a clear and comprehensive picture of Ryrie's approach to systematic theology. Its 94 chapters are arranged in outline style for easy reference. Considerable emphasis is given to explaining the dispensational view of the end times.

Who Should Read Theology?  / 9\ SECTION I PROLEGOMENA\ 1. Concepts and Definitions  / 13\ 2. Some Presuppositions  / 16\ 3. The Question of Authority  / 20\ SECTION II THE LIVING AND TRUE GOD\ 4. The Knowledge of God  / 27\ 5. The Revelation of God  / 31\ 6. The Perfections of God  / 39\ 7. The Names of God  / 51\ 8. The Triunity of God  / 58\ SECTION III THE BIBLE: GOD-BREATHED   9. Special Revelation  / 71\ 10. The Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration  / 76\ 11. Defections from the Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration  / 83\ 12. The Inerrancy of the Bible  / 87\ 13. Inerrancy and the Teachings of Christ  / 97\ 14. Problem Passages  / 107\ 15. The Canon  / 119\ 16. The Interpretation of the Bible  / 125\ SECTION IV ANGELS: MINISTERING SPIRITS17. The Existence of Angels  / 137\ 18. The Creation of Angels  / 141\ 19. The Nature of Angels  / 143\ 20. The Organization of Angels  / 146\ 21. The Ministry of Angels  / 150\ SECTION V OUR ADVERSARY THE DEVIL22. The Reality of Satan  / 157\ 23. The Creation and Sin of Satan  / 161\ 24. The Activities of Satan  / 166\ 25. Satan's World  / 172\ SECTION VI DEMONS: UNCLEAN SPIRITS\ 26. The Reality of Demons  / 179\ 27. What Are Demons Like?  / 184\ 28. What Do Demons Do?  / 187\ SECTION VII MAN: THE IMAGE OF GOD29. Evolution and Origins  / 195\ 30. The Bible and Origins  / 206\ 31. The Creations of Man  / 216\ 32. The Facets of Man  / 223\ 33. The Fall of Man  / 230\ SECTION VIII SIN\ 34. The Biblical Concept of Sin  / 239\ 35. Christ's Teaching Concerning Sin  / 245\ 36. The Inheritance of Sin  / 252\ 37. The Imputation of Sin  / 256\ 38. Personal Sins  / 261\ 39. The Christian and Sin  / 264\ SECTION IX JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD\ 40. The Preincarnate Christ  / 273\ 41. The Incarnation of Christ  / 277\ 42. The Person of Christ Incarnate  / 284\ 43. Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King  / 292\ 44. The Self-Emptying of Christ  / 299\ 45. The Sinlessness of Christ  / 303\ 46. The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ  / 308\ 47. The Post-Ascension Ministries of Christ  / 313\ SECTION X SO GREAT A SALVATION48. Some Introductory Considerations  / 319\ 49. The Biblical Terminology  / 321\ 50. The Passion of Christ  / 323\ 51. The Meaning of the Death of Christ  / 329\ 52. Some Results of Salvation  / 343\ 53. Theories of the Atonement  / 355\ 54. The Doctrine of Election  / 358\ 55. The Extent of the Atonement  / 367\ 56. The Application of Salvation  / 374\ 57. The Security of the Believer  / 379\ 58. What Is the Gospel?  / 387\ SECTION XI THE HOLY SPIRIT\ 59. Who Is the Holy Spirit?  / 395\ 60. The Holy Spirit in Old Testament Times  / 399\ 61. The Holy Spirit in the Life of Our Lord  / 404\ 62. The Spirit Indwelling  / 409\ 63. The Spirit Sealing  / 414\ 64. The Spirit Baptizing  / 417\ 65. The Spirit Gifting  / 423\ 66. The Spirit Filling  / 433\ 67. Other Ministries of the Spirit  / 439\ 68. History of the Doctrine of the Spirit  / 444\ SECTION XII\ "I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH"\ 69. What Is the Church?  / 455\ 70. The Distinctiveness of the Church  / 460\ 71. Principles and/or Pattern?  / 467\ 72. Types of Church Government  / 469\ 73. Qualified Leadership for the Church  / 477\ 74. Ordinances for the Church  / 487\ 75. The Worship of the Church  / 496\ 76. Other Ministries of the Church  / 502\ SECTIONXIII THINGS TO COME\ 77. Introduction to Eschatology  / 509\ 78. A Survey of Postmillennialism  / 511\ 79. A Survey of Amillenialism  / 516\ 80. A Survey of Premillenialism  / 522\ 81. God's Covenant with Abraham  / 526\ 82. God's Covenant with David  / 532\ 83. An Outline of Future Events  / 536\ 84. The Tribulation Period  / 540\ 85. The Rapture of the Church  / 557\ 86. The Pretribulational Rapture View  / 562\ 87. Populating the Millennial Kingdom  / 569\ 88. The Midtribulational Rapture View  / 579\ 89. The Posttribulational Rapture View  / 582\ 90. The Millennium  / 592\ 91. Future Judgments  / 597\ 92. Resurrection and Eternal Destiny  / 603\ SECTION XIV CENTRAL PASSAGES\ 93. Some Central Passages for the Study of Theology  / 613\ SECTION XV DEFINITIONS\ 94. Some Definitions for the Study of Theology  / 623\       Index of Scripture  / 633\       Index of Subjects  / 641