Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century

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Author: April Lee Hatfield

ISBN-10: 081221997X

ISBN-13: 9780812219975

Category: Economic History

Through networks of trails and rivers inland and established ocean routes across the seas, seventeenth-century Virginians were connected to a vibrant Atlantic world. They routinely traded with adjacent Native Americans and received ships from England, the Netherlands, and other English and Dutch colonies, while maintaining less direct connections to Africa and to French and Spanish colonies. Their Atlantic world emerged from the movement of goods and services, but trade routes quickly became...

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Through networks of trails and rivers inland and established ocean routes across the seas, seventeenth-century Virginians were connected to a vibrant Atlantic world. They routinely traded with adjacent Native Americans and received ships from England, the Netherlands, and other English and Dutch colonies, while maintaining less direct connections to Africa and to French and Spanish colonies. Their Atlantic world emerged from the movement of goods and services, but trade routes quickly became equally important in the transfer of people and information.Much seventeenth-century historiography, however, still assumes that each North American colony operated as a largely self-contained entity and interacted with other colonies only indirectly, through London. By contrast, in Atlantic Virginia, historian April Lee Hatfield demonstrates that the colonies actually had vibrant interchange with each other and with peoples throughout the hemisphere, as well as with Europeans.

Introduction11Indian and English Geographies82Shaping the Networks of Maritime Trade393Mariners and Colonists604Intercolonial Migration865English Atlantic Networks and Religion in Virginia1106Chesapeake Slavery in Atlantic Context1377Crossing Borders1698Virginia, North America, and English Atlantic Empire191Conclusion219Notes229Index303Acknowledgments311

\ From the Publisher"A solid, thought-provoking study of a far more complex world than historians of seventeenth-century Virginia have yet offered."—Journal of Southern History\ "Hatfield explains the importance of intercolonial trade to Virginia as well as its transatlantic connections through English and Dutch traders. . . . Hatfield's greatest contribution, however, is her persuasive argument that Virginians' contact with other colonies fundamentally shaped the way they created the institution of slavery."—Journal of American History\ "This is an important book. Hatfield has made a significant contribution to the history not only of early Virginia but also to early British America."—James Horn, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation\ "A solid, thought-provoking study of a far more complex world than historians of seventeenth-century Virginia have yet offered."—Journal of Southern History\ "An example of how to approach colonial history. Historians would be wise to study it carefully."—American Historical Review\ \ \