At a Glance: Sentences

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Author: Lee Brandon

ISBN-10: 0495906379

ISBN-13: 9780495906377

Category: English Grammar

Using exercises, examples, and writing applications, the Fifth Edition of AT A GLANCE: SENTENCES focuses on sentence writing, with detailed attention to matters such as grammar, rhetoric, sentence variety, sentence combining, diction, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in Chapters 1-11; provides a reproducible Writing Process Worksheet (at the end of the Student Overview and on the Student Companion Site) designed to provide guidance for your writing by offering documentation on the...

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Using exercises, examples, and writing applications, the Fifth Edition of AT A GLANCE: SENTENCES focuses on sentence writing, with detailed attention to matters such as grammar, rhetoric, sentence variety, sentence combining, diction, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling in Chapters 1-11; provides a reproducible Writing Process Worksheet (at the end of the Student Overview and on the Student Companion Site) designed to provide guidance for your writing by offering documentation on the progression or completion of an assignment; provides concise instruction with student examples on the process of writing paragraphs and essays in Chapter 12; and provides further instruction with more than a hundred prompts and topics for writing specific and combined patterns of paragraphs and essays in Chapter 13.

Preface. Student Overview. 1. PARTS OF SPEECH. Nouns. Pronouns. Verbs. Adjectives. Adverbs. Prepositions. Conjunctions. Interjections. Chapter Review. 2. SUBJECTS AND VERBS. Subjects. Nouns. Pronouns. Compound Subjects. Implied Subjects. Trouble Spots. Verbs. Types of Verbs. Verb Phrases. Compound Verbs. Verbals. Location of Subjects and Verbs. Chapter Review. 3. KINDS OF SENTENCES. Clauses. Independent Clauses. Dependent Clauses. Relative Clauses. Trouble Spot: Phrases. Types of Sentences. Simple Sentences. Compound Sentences. Complex Sentences. Compound-Complex Sentences. Chapter Review. 4. COMBINING SENTENCES. Coordination: The Compound Sentence. Punctuation with Coordinating Conjunctions. Semicolons and Conjunctive Adverbs. Punctuation with Semicolons and Conjunctive Adverbs. Subordination: The Complex Sentence. Punctuation with Subordinating Conjunctions. Punctuation with Relative Pronouns. Coordination and Subordination: The Compound-Complex Sentence. Punctuation of Complicated Compound or Compound-Complex Sentences. Other Ways to Combine Ideas. Omissions: When Parts Are Missing. Variety in Sentences: Types, Order, Length, Beginnings. Types. Order. Length. Beginnings. Chapter Review. 5. CORRECTING FRAGMENTS, COMMA SPLICES, AND RUN-ONS. Fragments. Dependent Clauses as Fragments: Clauses with Subordinating Conjunctions. Dependent Clauses as Fragments: Clauses with Relative Pronouns. Phrases as Fragments. Fragments as Word Groups Without Subjects or Without Verbs. Acceptable Fragments. Comma Splices and Run-Ons. Correcting Comma Splices and Run-Ons. Chapter Review. 6. BALANCING SENTENCE PARTS. Basic Principles of Parallelism. Signal Words. Combination Signal Words. Chapter Review. 7. VERBS. Regular and Irregular Verbs. Regular Verbs. Irregular Verbs. 'Problem' Verbs. The Twelve Verb Tenses at a Glance. Simple Tenses. Perfect Tenses. Progressive Tenses. Perfect Progressive Tenses. Community Dialects and Standard Usage. Subject-Verb Agreement. Consistency in Tense. Active and Passive Voice. Strong Verbs. Chapter Review. 8. PRONOUNS. Pronoun Case. Subjective Case. Objective Case. Techniques for Determining Case. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement. Agreement in Person. Agreement in Number. Agreement in Gender. Pronoun Reference. Chapter Review. 9. ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS. Selecting Adjectives and Adverbs. Comparative and Superlative Forms. Adjectives. Adverbs. Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers. Chapter Review. 10. PUNCUATION AND CAPITALIZATION. End Punctuation. Periods. Question Marks. Exclamation Points. Commas. Commas to Separate. Commas to Set Off. Semicolons. Quotation Marks. Punctuation with Quotation Marks. Italics. Dashes. Colons. Parentheses. Brackets. Apostrophes. Hyphens. Capitalization. Chapter Review. 11. SPELLING AND COMMONLY CONFUSED WORDS. Spelling Tips. Frequently Misspelled Words. Confused Spelling/Confusing Words. Wordy Phrases. 12. THE WRITING PROCESS: PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS. The Paragraph and Essay Defined. The Writing Process. Prewriting. Writing a First Draft. Revising and Editing. The Writing Process Worksheet. 13. COMBINED AND SPECIFIC PATTERNS OF WRITING AND WRITING TOPICS. Combined Patterns of Writing. Specific Patterns of Writing. Descriptive Narration. Exemplification. Analysis by Division. Process Analysis. Cause and Effect. Comparison and Contrast. Definition. Argument. A Variety of Writing Topics. Index.

\ From the Publisher"At a Glance "is easy to follow and understand and because of this, some of the fear of writing can be eliminated."\ "The writing exercises and the suggested topics are a strength of this series. The exercises concerning the identification of types of sentences were most helpful for my students. My students find the suggested topics most helpful as they are generic enough to allow individual interpretation."\ \ \