Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners

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Author: Jack Rosenberry

ISBN-10: 0205548733

ISBN-13: 9780205548736

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners\ Jack Rosenberry, St. John Fisher College\ Lauren A. Vicker, St. John Fisher College\ Are you preparing for a career in the field of Mass Communication? Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners bridges a review of theory to the contemporary work of media professionals to help you prepare. This text is organized into three units to help you successfully tackle your capstone courseload. The first unit,...

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Applied Mass Communication Theory: A Guide for Media Practitioners bridges a review of theory to the contemporary work of media professionals. The book is organized into three units. The first, “Mass Communication Theory and Research,” provides a framework for constructing an undergraduate research project, which is often required for upper-level mass communication courses. The second, “Mass Communication Theories,” presents vital chronological information on the progression of theory in mass communication, including a model that integrates mass communication theories and shows how they relate to one another. Finally, Unit 3, “Bridge to the Real World,” provides information on media law, ethics, economics and mass media careers, effectively establishing a critical framework for students as they leave college and begin their first job.

Introduction     xiiTheory and Research     1Theory and the Study of Communication     3Theory, Research, and Knowledge     4Purposes and Evaluation of Theory     8Common Theories in Mass Communication     10Research Principles and Practices     12Connecting Theory to the Research Process     12Theory and Research in the Communication Science Tradition     13Theory and Research in the Interpretive Tradition     24Research Methods     27Comparing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods     28Quantitative Research Methods     29Qualitative Research Methods     54The Value of Evidence     64The Research Project in a Theory-Based Course     67Getting the Research Project Started     67Choosing a Topic     68Background Research     69Research Designs     72Choosing a Theory     76General Issues around Writing a Research Paper     77Presenting the Research Project     83Mass Communication Theories     87Early Developments in Mass Communication Theory     89A Historical Perspective     90The Evolution of Theory     90Origins of Mass Communication     92The Discipline of Mass Communication     98Normative Theories of Media and Society     114The Mass Communication Discipline Matures     117The Individual Perspective on Mass Communication Theory     122The Active Audience     123Individual Influences on Media Effects     130The Sociological Perspective on Mass Communication Theory     149Agenda Setting     150Diffusion Theory and Research     155Knowledge-Gap Hypothesis     159Spiral of Silence     162Cultivation Theory     164Alternative Paradigms of Critical and Cultural Studies     173A Response to Limited Effects     174Positivist/Interpretive Differences     175Goals of Critical and Cultural Research     176Types of Critical and Cultural Research     178Bridge to the Real World     197Media Law     199The Legal System     200First Amendment     202Libel     206Privacy     211Copyright     214Commercial Speech     218Broadcast Regulation     221Media Ethics     225What Are Ethics?     226Ethical Models     228Professional Codes of Ethics     235Media Economics     248Market Principles     249Market Structures and Competition     253Markets and Media     256Preparing for a Career in the Mass Media     264The Job Market in Journalism and Mass Communication     264Job Search Strategies     265Considering Graduate School     275Career Development Activities for Students     276Theory Applications for Media Practitioners     277The Relevance of Theory     277Formal Theories and Media Genres     279Relevance of Research     285Index     287Credits     291