Anselm And Nicholas Of Cusa

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Author: Ralph Manheim

ISBN-10: 0156076004

ISBN-13: 9780156076005

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

Taken from the Great Philosphers, Volume II.

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Taken from the Great Philosphers, Volume II.

AnselmI.Life and Works3II.Anselm's Fundamental Philosophical Idea41.Inward quietness, not mysticism52.Insight and empty thought63.A unique idea, meaningful only in relation to God64.No object75.Anselm's "theory of contradiction"76.Anselm's thought as an invocation of God87.The significance of his "proof" in Anselm's life108.Gaunilon against Anselm11III.Characterization of Anselm's Thinking20Nicholas of CusaIntroduction26Life27Works29Part 1Philosophical Speculation30I.The Fundamental Idea30II.The Mind381.The mind in general382.Cognition as conjecture (coniectura)423.Methods and aim45III.Faith53Introduction531.What is faith?562.Revealed faith and philosophical faith, theological and philosophical thinking573.Speculative metaphor (cipher) and revealed bodily presence (spatiotemporal reality)604.Whence comes the content of faith?625.Authority and originality636.Faith and obedience66IV.Truth in Mathematics66Part 2The Whole of Being73I.God741.Dialogue on the hidden God742.On speculation753.Examples of speculative attempts to approach God764.From speculative thinking to acceptance of revelation825.Example of a conceptualization of revelation: the Trinity84II.The World871.The cosmos872.Cosmological ideas953.The eternity of the world974.Individuals985.Summary: The significance of Cusanus' world100III.Christ103Part 3Nicholas of Cusa and Modern Science1051.Did Cusanus help to found modern science?1052.Speculative method and experimental method. So-called "anticipations"1113.The meaning of science112Part 4Man's Task117I.The Individual117II.Peace124Fundamental reality of the Church. Cusanus' thinking in the Concordantia1241.De concordantia catholica1252.De pace fidei1323.Faith and communication133Part 5Political Action and the Conduct of Life1381.The Council of Basel1392.Brixen1463.The reform movement1484.The crusade against the Turks1495.Ecclesiastical benefices1496.His conduct of life--summary150Part 6His Place in History1531.Between the Middle Ages and the modern era1532.On historical interpretation1553.Cusanus' life and thought in relation to subsequent history1564.Lack of influence163Part 7Critical Estimate164IntroductionThe Meaning of Criticism1641.The significance of Cusanus' contradictions1652.The philosophical limits disclosed in Cusanus' life, ciphers and speculation1683.Cusanus the man1774.Cusanus' greatness lies in his metaphysics181Bibliography183Index of Names187