Anorexia Nervosa: Let Me Be

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Author: A. H. Crisp

ISBN-10: 0863773834

ISBN-13: 9780863773839

Category: Psychological Disorders

The theme of this text is the enduring relationship of anorexia nervosa to the unfolding of puberty, which transcends and shapes the input of "fashion". Anorexia nervosa is closely related to the personal challenges of adolescence and further growth within the individual and family. The author sees the disorder as an avoidance of the mounting fear of normal adult weight, with puberty at its pivot. His approach to all those concerned involves their engagement and empowerment in the prospect of...

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The theme of this text is the enduring relationship of anorexia nervosa to the unfolding of puberty, which transcends and shapes the input of "fashion". Anorexia nervosa is closely related to the personal challenges of adolescence and further growth within the individual and family. The author sees the disorder as an avoidance of the mounting fear of normal adult weight, with puberty at its pivot. His approach to all those concerned involves their engagement and empowerment in the prospect of renewed, healthier growth and recovery. It is significantly effective in both the short and the long term.

PrefaceAcknowledgementsCh. 1Introduction3Ch. 2Immediate Clinical Features of the Condition: Physical, Behavioural, Experiential11Ch. 3Epidemiology and Natural History21Ch. 4Childhood Bodily Growth and the Pubertal Process37Ch. 5Childhood Eating and Social Experiences42Ch. 6Existential Aspects of Maturation49Ch. 7The Maturational Crisis in Anorexia Nervosa63Ch. 8An Attempted Explanation of the Immediate Experiential and hence also the Behavioural and Physical Features of the Condition77Ch. 9The Concept of it as Adaptive84Ch. 10Making the Diagnosis91Ch. 11Attempting to Create an Opportunity for Development and Change - the Kindling Process95Ch. 12The Rights of the "Patient"147Ch. 13Self-help Techniques150Ch. 14Factors Affecting Outcome153Ch. 15The "Patient" Speaks159Appendix I. (a) Average Body Weights at Different Ages and Heights189Appendix I. (b) Units of Weight191Appendix II. Author's Scientific and Review Publications192