American Elegy: The Poetry of Mourning from the Puritans to Whitman

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Author: Max Cavitch

ISBN-10: 0816648921

ISBN-13: 9780816648924

Category: American & Canadian Literature

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Acknowledgments     viiIntroduction: Leaving Poetry Behind     1Legacy and Revision in Eighteenth-Century Anglo-American Elegy     33Elegy and the Subject of National Mourning     80Taking Care of the Dead: Custodianship and Opposition in Antebellum Elegy     108Elegy's Child: Waldo Emerson and the Price of Generation     143Mourning of the Disprized: African Americans and Elegy from Wheatley to Lincoln     180Retrievements out of the Night: Whitman and the Future of Elegy     233Afterword: Objects     286Notes     295Index     335