All in One: Basic Writing Text, Workbook, and Reader

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Author: Laraine Fergenson

ISBN-10: 0135309409

ISBN-13: 9780135309407

Category: English Grammar

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Based on the belief that those studying basic or developmental English should be reading, writing, and learning grammar at the same time — rather than separately — this book offers a wide range of materials that meet the multiple needs of basic writers. Three books in one, it provides 1) a comprehensive writing skills text and workbook for developmental English; 2) an anthology of acclaimed reading selections of enduring literary value edited and annotated for basic writers; and 3) a vocabulary builder with vocabulary exercises based on words in the readings. Exposes readers to the classics written by a diverse range of authors -- i.e., works of enduring value by acclaimed authors such as Aesop Shakespeare, Thoreau, Cervantes, and works of modern writers — such as Richard Wright, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Maya Angelou — that are likely to become classics in the future. Utilizes the “double-correction method” — integrated with coverage of the writing and editing process — to give readers an individualized means of learning from past errors. Features two chapters for ESL writers: English Idioms for ESL Writers and Advice for ESL Writers. For anyone wanting solid instruction in basic writing, remedial or developmental English, or English as a Second Language.

I. AN APPROACH TO WRITING. 1. Introduction: Getting Started. 2. What Is a Composition? 3. Planning Your Essay: The Thesis. 4. Planning Your Essay: Creating Ideas and Paragraphs. 5. Improving Your Paragraphs. 6. Essay Patterns. 7. Editing Your Writing. 8. The Appearance of Your Paper. 9. The Double-Correction Method.II. THE SENTENCE.10. Building a Sentence.11. How to Avoid Sentence Fragments.12. How to Avoid Run-Ons and Comma Splices.13. Sentence Style: Clarity, Coherence, and Grace.III. VERBS.14. Subject-Verb Agreement.15. The Past Tense.16. The Past Participle: When To Use It and When Not To.17. Progressive Tenses: Present and Past.18. Tense Consistency.IV. DICTION: USING THE RIGHT WORD.19. Using the Correct Part of Speech.20. Articles: The, A, An. 21. Confusing Words.22. English Idioms for ESL Writers.V. SPECIAL GRAMMAR POINTERS.23. Advice for ESL Writers.24. Word Endings.25. Using Pronouns Correctly.26. Avoiding Double Negatives.27. Using Modifiers Correctly.VI. MECHANICS.28. Capitalization.29. Spelling.30. Punctuation.READER AND VOCABULARY BUILDER.“The Treasure in the Orchard,” Aesop.From Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.From Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare.From “Motherhood,” Elizabeth Cady Stanton.From, “Civil Disobedience,” Henry David Thoreau.“I'm Nobody! Who Are You?,” Emily Dickinson.From “Spiritual Training,” Mohandas K. Gandhi.From Abraham Lincoln, Carl Sandburg.From The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.“Salvation” from The Big Sea, Langston Hughes.From Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth, Richard Wright.“Passports to Understanding,” Maya Angelou.From “The World House,” Martin Luther King, Jr.From The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank.From Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt.