Aliens In Wonderland

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Author: Alpha

ISBN-10: 1426923163

ISBN-13: 9781426923166

Category: Science Fiction - Aliens Among Us

An informative in-depth look at the lives of several extraterrestrials (E.T.'s), Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (E.B.E.'s ), and aliens, what their lives are like on their planets in their galaxies, what their spaceships are like, and how they are connected to us here on Earth. In addition, the book delves into how they are important to our religion and military strength. This novel also looks at some historical revelations, future predictions, and current happenings including an...

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An informative in-depth look at the lives of several extraterrestrials (E.T.'s), Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (E.B.E.'s ), and aliens, what their lives are like on their planets in their galaxies, what their spaceships are like, and how they are connected to us here on Earth. In addition, the book delves into how they are important to our religion and military strength. This novel also looks at some historical revelations, future predictions, and current happenings including an interesting collection of anecdotes regarding an ex-CIA agent who gets his wishes granted. It's the author's intention to, at the very least, bridge the gaps that exist between the religions of our generation. One gap is between our present long standing accepted knowledge of our concept of God, and our comprehensible real God. As well, a gap exists between how we are told we should interpret and demonstrate the meaning of God and how we show our faith and prove our belief in the living Creator. These are some things that the author thinks everyone needs to know about God, Satan, and UFOs. This book has been a long time in the making, twenty years, but somehow it still manages to remain ahead of its time, in most cases.

ALIENS IN WONDERLAND\ Or Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About God, But Were Afraid To Ask \ \ By Alpha \ Trafford Publishing\ Copyright © 2010 Alpha\ All right reserved.\ ISBN: 978-1-4269-2316-6 \ \ \ Chapter One\ The Council of Eternals and The Elixir of Life\ I was sitting in my studio one evening, listening to the blades of the ceiling fan keeping a breeze, and keeping me cool, when in walked my daughter. "Daddy, where did everything all begin and who is responsible for all of creation?" Setting aside the portion of my piano piece, specifically, part of a Sonata that I call "You're Cue"; I wiped another coffee stain from my lips onto my shirt sleeve and took a deep breath. I simply stared in her eyes for a second, and swallowed a lump that I seemed to be carrying in my own throat since childhood from my unanswered pleas for answers to the same spiritual questions. I felt puffed up with pride for my little girl's constant quest for knowledge and understanding. Somehow her curiosity made it easier for me to think and communicate with her, thus feeling confident my answers would only channel the truth through to her. I had become accustomed to the interruptions in the studio and welcomed my friends and business associates into my life, but I especially enjoyed the times when my family stopped by to say ...\ Hello?" she said again, rather sarcastically, as if nobody was really there. Suddenly aware of her attempt to startle me from my muse, and after a last pleasing glance towards the piano keys, I harnessed my attention, which seemed noticeably distracted, but only because of the illusion that time creates ... and my mind clambered over the walls of my studio, to the sliding glass doors where I could see out over the ocean beyond the city, and stopped while I stared for a second, which seemed like a thousand years. Surprised at my own relief, I began to tell her about a movie that I had made, which attempts to explain the preparation of the universe and the creation of physical life itself. Fortunately I had previously anticipated these inquiries and prepared, I say to her, an informative film, for spongy little minds like hers. One of my very favorite times of the day is here, I thought, that evening was coming to a close, and before long, darkness would be upon us, soon after the spectacular view of the sunset out over the water. My, how that had inspired me over the years, I mused, and thought back to the many days spent on Wreck Beach cheering the setting of the Sun with friends.\ Hanging out with "Sweetcloud" for a while, we closed up the studio together, and then split the scene and cruised up the path that wound its way up to our house. The anticipation and excitement seemed abnormally low-key for her. She was unusually calm, cool, and collected, for a tender seven year old about to see a movie. All that togetherness suggested the seriousness of the question she had asked ... ah yes, the beauty of the true seeker.\ "Do you think your little brother would like to watch it with you?" I asked her, even though I figured he was still a tad bit too young for any such lesson. "Well," she decided, "methinks this is one experience I should share with him. He'll probably enjoy it even if he doesn't understand it." Maybe when they're older I'll have a better explanation prepared for them, maybe not, but for now, this will have to do.\ "Well, that's what I thought too," I replied, and continued, "I've assembled this informative material and the scenes in sort of a 'broken English' style with appropriately animated scenes. I do hope it keeps your interest and you can follow it so it all makes sense. I also hope that you enjoy it. It's just as important to me that you can have fun watching it."\ The audience may discover that there is some history mystery to uncover here yet. Perhaps any such secrets will be revealed yet, maybe even by my son, Sand Avatar, or my daughter, Colour, alias Sweetcloud, Avatar. Actually, there is a small chance that some of those mysteries will never be uncovered! Quite honestly, I can't seem to shake the fear of not being able to answer or explain each and every question. Feeling like the Seeker of the 'true seekers', I think it's important, more for myself than anyone else that these mysterious secrets are revealed, at least to me anyway, and my fear alleviated. Oh well, think positively Jiva, and be sure Atma, so as not to have these uncertain feelings, for without fear and doubt, I believe anything that is kuo may, and probably will, happen.\ Now, kuo is now a word that I have learned recently, while reading "Help us Welcome the Extraterrestrials", or at least I think that was the title of it ... it's been a long time since I've actually read the book that was written by Claude Vohrillan. The book is based on the accounts of the experiences of Claude, nicknamed "Rael," when the "Elohim" contacted him. Elohim is a phrase, or self-given name, which in their language means "those that come from the sky."\ I'm truly sorry Mr. Rael, if I've misspelled your name. I've given away the book since I bought it to a very curious friend of mine. She seemed to be seeking some of the same answers that I had been looking for. I'd also like to take this opportunity to express my disappointment for not hearing from you, or at least somebody from your faithful group of followers and believers, as I did send a letter to more than one of the addresses that I found in the first book that you've written. In the letter, I was asking for permission to reprint and publish various tidbits of information from the most interesting and intriguing novel.\ I found the first book of Rael's to be highly informative, brilliant, extremely valuable and necessary reading, for the truly curious seekers of the Divine ... but blatantly, and, I don't know how widely, misunderstood by the general population, at least in my immediate area of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (according to one review I watched on a local television station). Once they discovered that a lot of Rael's followers were sexually 'liberated', although not everybody, and that certainly isn't dogma for them, that was all they needed to discover to reach an assumed position of judgment and decide that the whole thing consisted of a bunch of sexual perverts, and therefore they should all be considered dangerous and undesirable weirdoes. Because of this incorrect and premature judgment on the part of the media, the real and true message has been overlooked. I believe that to be a serious mistake that could have its negative consequences, which is probably what they intended.\ I think that it was a rare endeavor on the part of Rael to share such a personally precious experience, and I for one, am eternally glad, and was instantly grateful for his selfless and relentlessly pursued performance. I can assure you, Rael's real message is much more than a crazy sexual 'movement' or a trivial passing phase. That local station shows a lot of narrow mindedness making such a ridiculous judgment, and not only should they be embarrassed, but they have managed to overlook Rael's amazing discovery and important message.\ Incidentally, Rael's original book is partially responsible for inspiring this book of mine that I am now writing, (Aliens in Wonderland), and, depending upon the response, I'm even considering writing a sequel to it, as one of the other major instigators for Aliens in Wonderland also has a second part to it, but similarly, I've not yet digested all of the information. It isn't going to be easy for me to get a hold of that information, but as I said, I'm hoping for the best, and for those of us who are interested in learning more, I will surely do my best to try and obtain all of the relevant and pertinent information. I believe, where there is a will, there is a way.\ Ah yes, kuo ... although this particular word isn't from the perfect language of Sanskrit, it sneaks right into your vocabulary with refreshing ease and settles itself next to "cool". We can borrow this and 29 other useful words from; I believe they called it, the common universal language. When I said they in the previous sentence I was referring to a collective group of different races of beings that has been represented by my contact. However, the Elohim have a language all their own, which is similar to the Earth languages of Greek and Hebrew, but not quite exactly the same as either of them.\ I think that kuo is probably used a lot by the E.T.s and therefore, is logically a very welcome and accepted thing to say, especially with the Elohim and their distinguished company. I believe that a small common language has been created, and accepted by various groups of E.T.s in order that the numerous space races may all use it as a simple form of communication, embrace and protect it, for it indeed embodies obvious attributes and should one day soon, I hope, be just as valuable on the tongues of the too numerous to mention races of Earthlings, at least until we can agree on one common language that is more complete. In the meantime, the untold billions of us have at least something in common. Which I believe is extremely important as there are already about 70 different races of E.T.s and Aliens that we know something about, not all of which are concerned with our wellbeing. However, fortunately, those of us that are concerned greatly outnumber and militarily outclass those of "them" that would appear to be evil.\ In fact, in the last 40 years, this planet Earth has been attacked several times! Surprised? You should be equally astonished to know that if it weren't for the constant and loving protection of the various groups of E.T.s that are, believe it or not, still watching over us ... we, as we know us, would have long ago ceased to exist. This I know because the bad guys that attacked us had, and have in a sense, far superior weaponry compared to us Earthlings alone. We would not have stood a chance and would now be dead or enslaved by those that did not have our best interests at heart, or even in mind for that matter. So indeed we all owe a great deal of thanks for protecting our lives and the freedom of existence that we have, to the ever-present watchful eye(s) of the loving E.T.s.\ On Earth we have approximately six billion people. It is entirely possible that the planet of the Elohim is where we travel to at the time of death for judgment and, according to our karma, are consequently either delivered from the cycle of physical birth and death, or reincarnated according to the laws of karma and dharma. If it isn't entirely obvious to you by now that this journey I am speaking of we are to make after death, quite necessarily, is a spiritual journey. Now I am not in any way negating the teachings of Edgar Cayce, John Ford, or Sylvia Browne or even your own personal beliefs, perhaps based on a near death experience, what I'm suggesting is that if you are looking for eternal physical life then you will need to get your body and soul to the planet of the Elohim.\ Now way back near the beginning of the universe, the Paramatman, or Super soul, (the indwelling aspect of the Supreme Lord, the Great Spirit, that lives in our hearts and serves as a guide and a witness), divided itself into numerous various incarnations and accordingly, each incarnation of Godhead has a specific duty, and or duties to perform. Each one of course, has its own individual title as well as function. One of these particular incarnations of Godhead is to be of certain interest to us here on Earth, as He is called YamaRaja, which means Lord of death. His duty, as chief of the many givers of punishment, is to deliver all kinds of punishment to the evil miscreants that are deserving of his wrath. The question is does He know the specifics of His responsibilities? And more importantly, who has given Him His duties? Further, if one has been judged as so evil that one should be kept out of and denied further physical existence then it is obviously just as important that YamaRaja understands and accepts all the workings of the spiritual world in order that He may help to keep the evil ones from returning to the physical world. Obviously this world is meant for those deserving of it.\ The worst of it is I have a sneaking suspicion that this one called YamaRaja was never exactly charged directly with the mission of Death Lord. I think he may have become the President of the Council of Eternals without knowing of the similarities between it and the Lord of death. The Council of Eternals is a group of 700 men, all of them standing not much more than four feet tall! And yah, you might have guessed, they all wear little green jumpsuits with a symbol or badge over their heart that is exactly just as I will describe it. I believe that it is a circle with a star of David in it, and within that is an inverted swastika, which, curiously enough, did not actually originate with the Mighty (evil) Furor of Germany, as some of you may think, but was in existence long before that, in the Tibetan Book of the Dead some 4,000 years ago. The meaning of the symbols all combined, according to Elohim, is "that which is above is like that which is below, and everything is cyclic." The Council of Eternals is genuinely and precisely concerned with the well being of any and all who allow and may accept the supreme absolute truth through recognizing them as chanellers of that same truth all hearts have access to, thanks to the supreme pure energy (maya) of the original creator of creators, and equally mysterious Holy Ghost, Paramatma. Without maya, illusion and physical reality would not be possible, as that energy exists and permeates all physical reality.\ Even though I think there may have been certain unfortunate conditions which either prevented them from receiving directly from their forefathers their personal karma, or perhaps they refused to listen to direction, somehow they seem to have instinctually picked up on what it is that they should be responsible for, as they did inherit a vast and amazing amount of technical knowledge and machinery that has given them the ability to perform various seemingly "magic" feats. Just before I go into great detail about all that, I think that it is important that I mention that the title we as Humans have given this YamaRaja character here on earth is "God", which is not only a name we have created for him, as opposed to a name he has chosen for himself, but according to him, is also a title which he himself is a little uncomfortable with, and we may find the word "God" more appropriately suits the entire collection of creators, yes that's right, creators. Indeed, contrary to popular and widespread belief, there was never ever just one creator of this and other planets and all that exists on, above, and within! Of this, you can be quite sure (I'd bet my life on it).\ And so, that brings us basically back to the screen, which is presently still portraying the blackness of space, but for the brightness of the various luminous objects that decorate the otherwise empty space. Although there is much to say about the time and space before the beginning of the Council of Eternals, I want to be as brief as possible about it, as a lot has been either hidden or forgotten, and right now that is not the most important issue at hand. On that note, let's try to focus on the mysterious birth of perhaps one of the most famously controversial characters that has ever existed, and I intend to give you, the curious and true seeker, a clear picture of what it is like in the average and not so ordinary days in the life of the creator of that other famous fellow, Jesus Christ, and their associates, and just what life is like for them on their home world, somewhere approximately one light-year from Earth. Incidentally, Jehovah, the creator of Jesus, is also known as the God of Orion.\ I would just like to include a little story of creation I heard told by a wise old sage I once encountered while on a journey hiking on the Himalayan mountains during the Fall. This is the story of the great Brahma as it is transforming itself from one form, that of a spiritual nature, into another form, that of a physical nature. Right before Lord Brahma actually became a living physical entity, as was the natural habit of the Lord, being an accomplished daydreamer; the great hallucinator exercised his willpower and dreamed up this wonderful creation of his we now call "life." And quite a dream it was, because as he dreamed, his thought of dream state vision became manifest all throughout the universe around him ... I mean like in, or seemingly on the apparent "backdrop" of darkness, the big screen of the universe. So gradually the Lord "drew" and projected his vision of creation, keeping a close eye on every little detail, making sure there were no mistakes or imperfections in the design. During the vision that the Yogi was having in a meditational state, which is the basis and origination of his story, the old Yogi received a vision of the outline of a man and a woman, drawn with stardust, somehow encased in another stardust "drawing" of the design of an hourglass. As the life of the "Great Spirit" and "Holy Ghost" seemed to enter into the both of them, they became alive with maya and as they grew alive, they started to reach for each other, as if to reach out and touch each other's fingers and hands. However, as they were trapped inside the image of the stardust hourglass, one on either side, it became impossible for each of the now physical shapes of the human beings to touch at all. There was no way for them to come together because the small hole that was between them was far too tiny for even a finger to reach through. This of course left the two feeling quite dismayed.\ (Continues...)\ \ \ \ \ Excerpted from ALIENS IN WONDERLAND by Alpha Copyright © 2010 by Alpha. Excerpted by permission.\ All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.\ Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site. \ \

Contents 1 The Council of Eternals and The Elixir of Life....................12 The Killing Arena....................133 Jehovah's Exile....................264 Divine Intervention....................365 Buzz Andrews....................426 The Beginning of Buzz's Extreme Adventures....................487 Nirvana or Buzz Learns to Fly....................598 Buzz Gets a Second Chance; Meets with NATO in Norway....................769 Intergalactic Peace Treaty of 1908: One Million Dollar Landing Pad....................8610 Wheatgrass and Golden Seal....................9111 Chosen Ones....................10612 Silver Bullets....................11413 Predictions And Revelations....................121