African Amern Vernacular Eng

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Author: Rickford

ISBN-10: 0631212450

ISBN-13: 9780631212454

Category: General & Miscellaneous

In response to the flood of interest in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) following the recent controversy over "Ebonics," this book brings together sixteen essays on the subject by a leading expert in the field, one who has been researching and writing on it for a quarter of a century.

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In response to the flood of interest in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) following the recent controversy over "Ebonics," this book brings together sixteen essays on the subject by a leading expert in the field, one who has been researching and writing on it for a quarter of a century.

Series Editor's PrefacePrefaceForewordAcknowledgmentsPt. IFeatures and Use11Phonological and Grammatical Features of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)32Carrying the New Wave into Syntax: The Case of Black English BIN153Preterite Had + Verb -ed in the Narratives of African American Preadolescents344Rappin on the Copula Coffin: Theoretical and Methodological Issues In the Analysis of Copula Variation in African American Vernacular English615Ethnicity as a Sociolinguistic Boundary906Addressee- and Topic-Influenced Style Shift: A Quantitative Sociolinguistic Study112Pt. IIEvolution1557Cut-Eye and Suck-Teeth: African Words and Gestures in New World Guise1578Social Contact and Linguistic Diffusion: Hiberno English and New World Black English1749Copula Variability in Jamaican Creole and African American Vernacular English: A Reanalysis of DeCamp's Texts21910Prior Creolization of African American Vernacular English? Sociohistorical and Textual Evidence from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries23311Are Black and White Vernaculars Diverging?25212Grammatical Variation and Divergence in Vernacular Black English261Pt. IIIEducational Implications28113Attitudes towards AAVE, and Classroom Implications and Strategies28314Unequal Partnership: Sociolinguistics and the African American Speech Community29015Suite for Ebony and Phonics32016Using the Vernacular to Teach the Standard329References348Index386

\ From the Publisher"John Rickford has been studying AAVE for nearly 30 years and is recognized as one of the experts leading the discussion about AAVE and implementing solutions to a number of associated problems." James H. Yang, Language in Society\ \ \