Advances in Fluid Mechanics

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Author: C. A. Brebbia

ISBN-10: 1853124524

ISBN-13: 9781853124525

Category: Hydrodynamics

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On the permeability of low porosity sandstones3Some fundamental particularities on partly cohesive sediment transport in a circular test flume11Experimental and numerical investigation of cellular Stokes flow in a special wedge-shaped channel bounded by a cylindrical surface21Computational methods for obstacle problems31Numerical analysis of the intrusion flow in a rectangular shallow basin41Fast iterative methods in Boundary-domain integral method using velocity vorticity formulation51Computation of free-streamline solutions of flows past a surface-piercing object61Three-dimensional Navier-Stokes analysis of a rigid wing configuration71An adaptive boundary collocation method for creeping flow between eccentric cylinders85Resistance characteristics of small and fast monohull vessels93Continuum approach to single phase flow in porous media103A numerical study of the impact of solitary waves on obstacles of simple geometrical configuration113The development of a coupled fluid flow and structural analysis tool123Stability of flow past an inclined elliptic cylinder to asymmetric disturbances135Benard-Marangoni convective instability in presence of a magnetic field147A numerical model for the prediction of pilot ignition of PMMA157Computation of the unsteady flow past a tuna with caudal fin oscillation169A review of modelling for arterial vessels - simplified ventricular geometries179Hyperbolicity and shock formation in two-layer gravity currents197Internal solitary waves in a two-layer fluid with surface tension209Design of a smart sand trap construction as a part of an interregional environmental study223Gas flow in window enclosures and its effect on temperature distribution233Experimental study of bed forms in shallow channel245Real 3-dimensional flow modelling in river255A three-dimensional tidal model of the Great Australian Bight using a new coastal boundary procedure267Data assimilation schemes for non-linear shallow water flow models277Fundamentals concerning Stokes waves289Estimates of inverse and direct cascades in wave spectra299Traveling waves in multi-phase flows307On a solid particle suspension in a slurry pipeline317On the formulation of two-phase flow equations for bubbly liquids327Compressible dissipation, pressure dilation and pressure induced diffusion in hypersonic turbulence modeling339Stochastic simulation of solid particle diffusion in slow decaying turbulent flow351A study of turbulence characteristics in open channel transitions as a function of Froude and Reynolds numbers using Laser technique363The analysis of bubble cavitation inception in turbulent flow around a hydrofoil373Index of Authors383