Advances in Engineering Mechanics--Reflections and Outlooks: In Honor of Theodore Y-T Wu

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Author: Allen T. Chwang

ISBN-10: 9812561447

ISBN-13: 9789812561442

Category: Structural Engineering - General & Miscellaneous

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Prologue : cavitation1On the theory and modeling of real cavity flows3Localization of dispersive waves in weakly random media29Water wave equations48Wu's mass postulate and approximate solutions of the fKdV equation60Explicit analytic solutions of KdV equation given by the homotopy analysis method70Rigorous computation of Nekrasov's integral equation for water waves84Numerical modeling of nonlinear surface waves and its validation94Three dimensional wave for water waves on finite depth : the Davey-Stewartson system111Rip currents due to wave-current interaction117Higher order Boussinesq equations for water waves on uneven bottom128Waves on a liquid sheet140A different view on data from a nonlinear and nonstationary world150Solitary-wave collisions173Computer simulations of overtaking internal solitary waves195Theoretical and experimental investigation of waves due to a moving dipole in a stratified fluid213Thin film dynamics in a liquid lined circular pipe222Transverse waves in a channel with rectangular cross section239Long time evolution of nonlinear wave trains in deep water247On the Zhang-Wu run-up model257A numerical study of bore runup a slope265Studies of intense internal gravity waves : field measurements and numerical modeling286Nonlinear internal waves in the South China Sea297A numerical predictive model of tides around Taiwan314New concepts in image analysis applied to the study of nonlinear wave interactions327Nonlinear wave loads acting on a body with a low-frequency oscillation355Analytical features of unsteady ship waves371A note on the classical free surface hydrodynamic impact problem390Measurements of velocity field around hydrofoil of finite span with shallow submergence408Blood flow abnormalities in sickle cell anemia425Does interfacial viscosity exist, its application to medical science440Unsteady flows with moving boundaries : pulsating blood flows and earthquake hydrodynamics446Interdisciplinary education and research experiences for undergraduates in mathematics and biology474In vitro study on the internal design of Provox 2 voice prosthesis484A potential role for muscle pump-generated intravascular solitons in maintenance of tissue-engineered bioreactors implanted in bone493Creeping flow around a finite row of slender bodies515Theory and numerical calculation of hovering flight of a dragonfly539A numerical study on fluid dynamics of backward and forward swimming in the eel Anguilla Anguilla557Impulse extremization in vortex formation for application in low speed maneuvering of underwater vehicles574MHD self-propulsion and motion of deformable shapes603Nonlinear analysis on transition to form coherent structures613Large-Reynolds-number flow across a translating circular cylinder625A spectral method for the mass transport in a layer of power-law fluid under periodic forcing633The cohesion and re-separation of particles in slow viscous flows651On coherent vortices in turbulent plane jets generated by surface water waves660A dynamic model for strong vortices over topography on a [beta] plane669Sea ice floe tracking and motion analysis for SAR imagery in the marginal ice zone681Reflections and resolutions to some recent studies on fluid mechanics693AppThe origin of this book of scientific reflections : the other side of doing engineering science715