Acquainted with the Night: The Shadow of Death in Contemporary Poetry

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Author: Jeffrey Johnson

ISBN-10: 1561012513

ISBN-13: 9781561012510

Category: American & Canadian Literature

How do some of our best poets reflect death in their opaque art? What do their death poems tell us about our lives, about our faith—and the objects of our faith—and about the shape of our doubt? Acquainted with the Night is a study of death as it appears in the work of a handful of contemporary poets—Geoffrey Hill, Scott Cairns, Mark Jarman, R. S. Thomas, and Wendell Berry. The primary focus throughout is directed to the appearance of death, and to the physical and metaphorical darkness often...

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A study of death, via author comments, as it appears in the works of contemporary poets providing a Christian appreciation of it within a context of tradition and circumstances.

Biographical Notes on the Poets1Introduction5Ch. 1Setting the Stage: Poetry and Faith13Ch. 2Death in Recent Poetry27Ch. 3Blood Lines: The Laments of Geoffrey Hill41Ch. 4The Taste of Death: Scott Cairns67Ch. 5Childhood and Memory: Mark Jarman89Ch. 6Kneeling in the Dark: R.S. Thomas111Ch. 7To Know the Dark: Wendell Berry133Afterword155Selected Readings157

\ Image: A Journal Of The Arts and ReligionCandidly exploring the ins and outs of what he refers to as the 'push-me-pull-you' symbiotic relationship between faith and art, Johnson digs deep into what these poets’ reflections on death have to say about our faith, our doubt, and ultimately our lives as a whole.\ \ \ \ \ Image: A Journal Of The Arts and Religion. . .if you’re keen to explore how contemporary poetry wrestles with the theme of death, or just want a unique introduction to these five wonderful writers, Acquainted with the Night is bound to strike the right chord.\ \