A Writer's Reference

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Author: Diana Hacker

ISBN-10: 0312601433

ISBN-13: 9780312601430

Category: English language -> Textbooks for foreign speakers

A Writer's Reference, the most widely adopted handbook in the United States, continues to be groundbreaking in its simplicity, offering the right content in an accessible format. New coauthor Nancy Sommers's own research, campus travel, and classroom experience keep the handbook in tune with the needs of academic writers. In a trusted quick-reference format, the seventh edition delivers advice on all the right topics: working with sources, revising with comments, preparing a portfolio, and...

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A proven success. The best-selling college textbook of any kind. Thoroughly class tested and enthusiastically endorsed by millions of students and their instructors at more than 1300 colleges and universities across the country.

Composition/StyleComposing and revisingPlanningDraftingRevisingParagraphsArgumentsSample PaperResearch writingConducting researchEvaluating sourcesManaging informationPlanning and draftingCiting sources; avoiding plagiarismIntegrating sourcesRevising your draftEffective sentencesParallelismNeeded wordsProblems with modifiersShiftsMixed constructionsCoordination and subordinationSentence varietyWord choiceGlossary of usageWordy sentencesActive verbsAppropriate languageExact languageThe dictionary and thesaurusCorrectnessGrammatical sentencesSubject-verb agreementOther problems with verbsProblems with pronounsAdjectives and adverbsSentence fragmentsRun-on sentencesEsl Trouble spotsArticlesSpecial problems with verbsSentence structureOther trouble spotsPunctuationThe commaUnnecessary commasThe semicolonThe colonThe apostropheQuotation marksOther marksSpelling and mechanicsSpellingThe hyphenCapitalizationAbbreviationsNumbersItalics (underlining)Format/Basic GrammarDocument designPrinciples of document designAcademic manuscript formatsBusiness documentsElectronic documentsMla documentationIn-text citationsList of works citedInformation notesManuscript formatSample Paper: Mla StyleAlternative styles of documentationApa styleSample Paper: Apa StyleChicago styleSample Pages: Chicago StyleList of style manualsBasic grammarParts of speechParts of sentencesSubordinate word groupsSentence typesIndex