A Spirit of Dialogue: Incarnations of Ogbanje the Born-to-Die, in African American Literature

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Author: Christopher N. Okonkwo

ISBN-10: 1572336153

ISBN-13: 9781572336155

Category: American & Canadian Literature

A groundbreaking study, A Spirit of Dialogue examines through extensive, interdisciplinary research, theory, and close reading the intricate reconstructions, extensions, and resonances of the West African myth of spirit children, the “Born-to-Die,” in contemporary African American neo-slave narratives. Arguing that the myth, called “Ogbañje” in Igbo language and “àbíkú” in Yoruba, has had over thirty years of uncharted presence in African American literature, Okonkwo advances a compelling...

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Acknowledgments     ixNote on Orthography     xiIntroduction: An Aesthetic (Re)Mark on the Spirit Child     xiiiO'gbanje and Abiku: Contexts, Conceptualizations, and Two West African Literary Archetypes     1Chinua Achebe, the Neo-Slave Narrative, the Nationalist Aesthetic, and African American (Re)Visions of the Spirit Child     25Of Power, Protest, and Revolution: Wild Seed and Mind of My Mind     59Binary Nativity, Subjectivity, and the Wages of (In)Fidelity to "Origins": The Between     89Mediating Character, Theme, and Narration: "O'gbanje" as Hermeneutics in The Cattle Killing     111Sula, Beloved, and the Constructive Synchrony of Good and Evil     139Epilogue: This Blues Called O'gbanje     169Notes     179Bibliography     211Index     239