A Matter of Blue

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Author: Jean-Michel Maulpoix

ISBN-10: 1929918674

ISBN-13: 9781929918676

Category: French poetry -> 20th century

A Matter of Blue has gone through multiple French printings and is noted poet, essayist, and critic Jean-Michel Maulpoix's most publicly and critically acclaimed book. Throughout the collection, prose poems and blank verse operate on a recognizable, accessible level, offering a narrative voice struggling for understanding in a postmodern, sometimes desolate world.

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Prose poems and blank verse poems encompassing melancholy, nostaligia and hope with formal and thematic symmetry.

We know love exists through hearsay21The sea within us tries out sentences23Sometimes one of us stands near the sea25On nice days, the open sea shimmers27Blue's recovery after the downpour ...29"There were some unusual clouds that year"31"The sky's substance is strangely tender"33Dark-eyed women have a blue gaze35Do not think all this blue is without pain37In summer, in the evening ...41They move about43Alive, they proceed hands first45The sea is a picture book47They look at the blue, but will never know how to say it49They are sometimes seen beneath lampposts51He's heading out to sea is what they say of someone embarking on a journey ...53They leave their islands to go to sea55He picks up a pen or a paintbrush57Orthodoxy of blue61For centuries, she's been beating63The sea is the gods' vacancy65Sometimes, it's only the light sound of forks against earthenware67Soon there was nothing left of belief but the memory of its color69Nothing remains but an empty gesture resembling prayer71Sometimes words hurry73Soul75There77Blue makes no noise81All this blue is not the same ink83We don't know : we don't understand85Blue increases and reproduces on the debris of our life87The blue of the sky can do without our help89Like a cloth, the sky soaks91The blue around here blurs when night falls93There is nothing that can be locked up in a book95This blue belongs to no one97The sea's masts are illusory101Bugles, horses of the deep, mouth of the sea!103With my dulcimers, my trumpet and my timpani105Here we strike the iron of the soul107The man swimming there is an iodine and cobalt poem109Unending narration of the open sea111So much light in tears113From all over, she flows115A horizon of slate and slag117You there, the tiny body of a transfixed man ...121You're soaking in dreams, you lose your foothold in yourself123White swimmer in the sea's arms125Use this blue to compose127Don't balk at the expense129You have blue at your fingertips131You burn with your sentences133And you there, smeared with cherries?135You were the bluest in your dress137Nine days at sea as in a church141This blue sticks to my lips143Start from nothing, emphasize this nothing145I've been putting words next to words for a long time147In language, I contemplate the blue of the sky149For me, writing is about departing151I cannot survive in the impossible153Late in the autumn, when the rain falls with a soft noise ...155Everything I've loved, everything I've lost ...157Death falls asleep right against the sea161Aluminum-colored fish wander in the sea's baggage holds163Along the cliffs and beaches, the sea looks after our remains165In the evening when it pulls back to leave all the room to darkness ...167The edge of the world is quite near ...169Broken old women move about all evening ...171A heart of crushed glass173What kind of snow continuously falls ...175Does the sky enjoy hearing this faint sound of a creaking heart?177Emma liked blue181Her dresses must be mentioned183When she loosens her dress, the man is silent185No one can express her desire187If you call her, she doesn't come189She sometimes remembers her childhood191So many days have passed ...193Some say she once dreamed of evaporating195Loves is what she calls these departing sailors and sailboats on the open sea ...197