A Bush & Botox World: Travels Through Bush's America

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Author: Saul Landau

ISBN-10: 1904859615

ISBN-13: 9781904859611

Category: Media - General & Miscellaneous

"Read Saul Landau."—Barbara Ehrenreich\ Botox promoters promise to wipe away wrinkles, the signs of aging—the signs of time passing. Such "eternal youth" potions metaphorically help erase the very notion of time itself. In a phony world, increasingly dependent on smoke and mirrors, it is no wonder we look at elected officials like a cheap circus act. Saul Landau travels in and out of America, from the stress-filled cultures of Southern Californian businesspeople and poor towns in Texas, to...

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The signs are everywhere: Americans are growing tired... of being the suckers born every minute.

Acknowledgements     1Foreword     3Title Explanation     5Introduction     7The Bush Culture: Nothing Succeeds Like FailureGod and Botox: Spirituality through Shopping     15George W. Bush "Won" Another Disputed Election in 2004     21Bush Invests National Treasure in Death and Destruction     25The Reagan Legacy: Bush Inherits, World Grows Poorer     31Reagan's Last Funeral in a Calgary Coffeeshop     37Karl Rove as Strategist: Roy Cohn Lives On in Bush White House     39Leakgate: The Screenplay     45Globalization and Its Discontents     53Reagan and Bottled Water     59Bush, God and Katrina     65An Oily Religious Dream     71Different Americas: New Year's 2007     77Mission Accomplished: Iraq Is BrokenWho We Really Are     85Breaking Falluja: The 21st Century Guernica-Where was Picasso?     91Listening and Talking to God about Invading Other Countries     97Lessons from Vietnam: Wars Kill Empires as Well as People     103Outsourcing War     109Breaking the Constitution     121Jarhead: From Sparta to Iraq     127IstanbulPoem     133Mission Accomplished: Iraq is Broken     137Bad Terrorists and Zealous PatriotsTerrorism Then and Now     145Geezers Make GAS     151Luis Posada and Bush's Drinking     157Che: Man and Movie, Terrorist or Saint?     163"Paradise Now"-Movie or Life?     169Munich and the Hamas Electoral Victory     175A Sexy Environment in a Botox WorldA Happy Family in a Bush and Botox World     183Sex and the Country     189Fidel Promotes Sex Tourism? JFK Rolls Over in his Grave     195Geriatric Apprehensions     201Imperial Portrait: For Hearst Enough Was Never Enough     203A Ritual in Ashes Tossed from the Mesa     209Elegy to the Salton Sea     211Mercury in U.S. Lakes; Cyanide in India-Trust the CEOs!     219Derision in Digital     223The Mass Media, Symbols and Ownership     225Aggression Dominates the Airwaves     231Missionaries Forever     237The Ascent of Fashionism, the Decline of Consciousness     241A Third World Development Dilemma?Vietnam Diary, March 2006     249EpilogueFreedom 2007: Buy Sex on the Internet and Forget Older Freedoms      277Notes     283Index     293