6X: The Uncensored Confessions

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Author: Nina Malkin

ISBN-10: 043972421X

ISBN-13: 9780439724210

Category: Teen Fiction - Boys & Young Men

Sex. Fame. Rock 'n' Roll.\ Four teens on the fast track to pop-rock superstardom reveal the uncensored truth about the glamorous, backstabbing world of sudden celebrity.\ Introducing...\ The Voice: Sweet, trusting Kendall sings like an angel--and is about to discover her devilish side.\ The Body: Rich, spoiled Wynn can't keep a beat to save her life. But with curves like that...who cares?\ The Boss: No-nonsense Stella is all confidence, attitude, style, and smarts. But her relationship with...

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Sex. Fame. Rock 'n' Roll. Four kids on the fast track to pop-rock superstardom reveal the uncensored truth about the glamorous, backstabbing world of sudden celebrity. Introducing... The Voice: Sweet, trusting Kendall sings like an angel--and is about to discover her devilish side. The Body: Rich, spoiled Wynn can't keep a beat to save her life. But with curves like that...who cares? The Boss: No-nonsense Stella is all confidence, attitude, style, and smarts. But her relationship with the band's manager makes her more vulnerable than she thinks. The Boy: A/B has got real talent. Now if only he can keep his mind on the music...instead of on the girls. 6X: Idolize THIS! Publishers WeeklyThrough "video diaries," the four members of the band 6X tell how they got together and about their quick rise to fame, leading to the release of their first album. The premise is enticing, and the character's voices are truly distinct, from Kendall, the southern Christian lead singer, to fiery, Brooklyn-raised bassist Stella. Each character has a lot of soul-searching to do, and they struggle with problems both predictable (such as a romance between Kendall and A/B, the sole male member), and unique (Wynn is "perplexed" because she doesn't feel anything for the guys she kissed nor does she seem able to give herself physical pleasure). The band's discovery that Wynn has been writing songs reads as a lucky coincidence, and a plot line about Kendall's online relationship with a man who turns out to be her scheming father seems far-fetched and creepy. But, mostly, the author mixes well the glamour of being in a band (performing, signing autographs, partying with groupies) with a darker picture of rock star life: Wynn is nearly seduced by a slimy label executive, the band is treated badly at the first video shoot, and Kendall becomes more obsessed with her own fame. The surprising ending leaves readers with plenty of questions, making them wonder about-and likely hope for-a follow-up to this fun debut. Ages 12-up. (Aug.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.

\ Publishers WeeklyThrough "video diaries," the four members of the band 6X tell how they got together and about their quick rise to fame, leading to the release of their first album. The premise is enticing, and the character's voices are truly distinct, from Kendall, the southern Christian lead singer, to fiery, Brooklyn-raised bassist Stella. Each character has a lot of soul-searching to do, and they struggle with problems both predictable (such as a romance between Kendall and A/B, the sole male member), and unique (Wynn is "perplexed" because she doesn't feel anything for the guys she kissed nor does she seem able to give herself physical pleasure). The band's discovery that Wynn has been writing songs reads as a lucky coincidence, and a plot line about Kendall's online relationship with a man who turns out to be her scheming father seems far-fetched and creepy. But, mostly, the author mixes well the glamour of being in a band (performing, signing autographs, partying with groupies) with a darker picture of rock star life: Wynn is nearly seduced by a slimy label executive, the band is treated badly at the first video shoot, and Kendall becomes more obsessed with her own fame. The surprising ending leaves readers with plenty of questions, making them wonder about-and likely hope for-a follow-up to this fun debut. Ages 12-up. (Aug.) Copyright 2005 Reed Business Information.\ \ \ \ \ Children's Literature6X is the name of a rock band formed by 4 teenagers, unknown to each other. Actually, the band emerges because an entertainment lawyer happened to be in a club when Wynn decides to beat on the abandoned drums. She cannot play very well, but she is built like a model. Thus, the band is formed and Wynn is known as "the Body." Stella—who has a mixed racial background—is "the Boss" of the group and thinks she is in love with Brian, the lawyer. Kendall is a pudgy teenager who has the voice of an angel, so she is known as "the Voice." A/B is the only boy in the band so he is known as "the Boy." This book is nothing but the thoughts of these four teenagers explaining how the band was formed and how they feel about each other and themselves. A/B is Jewish and uses marijuana; they all drink alcohol, though Kendall is only 15 and no one else seems to be of legal age. They somehow manage to cut a CD, even though they only know four songs. Kendall, though she vows to be a Christian, steals boots from a department store, and then steals shoes from the costume department. The ending of the book makes no sense—Kendall leaves before the band is supposed to appear on stage at their own listening party. If there is a sequel, the author does not say so. 2005, Scholastic, Ages 16 to 18. \ —Debbie West\ \ \ KLIATTSet up like a video diary, this takes the reader behind the scenes with 6X, a hot new pop/rock band breaking onto the scene. 6X is the creation of an entertainment lawyer who takes four unknowns and rockets them to stardom. The three girls and one boy are unofficially known as the body, the boss, the voice, and the boy. They take turns narrating each chapter (or segment of the DVD, as we're to believe), catching their fans up to speed on how they came together, learned their craft, got their first record deal, and so forth. Initially the ever-changing perspective feels confusing, but each character has a distinct enough voice to pull it off. The book has no real plot, but doesn't particularly need one. The band members make it clear that life as a rock star isn't all glamour. There are long hours, hard work, egos to tend to, and duplicitous people at every turn. Can they handle the sudden fame or will it break them? Even by the end of the book, the answer isn't clear, with Kendall, the singer, going missing at their listening party. Looks like more 6X books will have to answer that question. For being "uncensored" there isn't a whole lot of scandalous material here. Stella, the boss, is prone to swearing. There is minor drinking, drug use, and sex, but not nearly the level expected in the confessions of teen rock stars. Anyone looking for a quick, light read will savor this. The writing isn't spectacular, but the confessional aspect of seeing behind the scenes will draw readers in. KLIATT Codes: S--Recommended for senior high school students. 2005, Scholastic, 278p., Ages 15 to 18. \ —Amanda MacGregor\ \