'What Is Truth?': Towards a Theological Poetics

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Author: Andrew Shanks

ISBN-10: 041525325X

ISBN-13: 9780415253253

Category: Literary Theory

In a culture where institutional religion is in decline there is a pressing need for new theological strategies. Andrew Shanks argues for a fresh 'theological poetics', providing an eloquent first step towards meeting these needs and an alternative strategy for reconciling Christian theology with poetic truth.

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In a culture where institutional religion is in decline there is a pressing need for new theological strategies. Andrew Shanks argues for a fresh 'theological poetics', providing an eloquent first step towards meeting these needs and an alternative strategy for reconciling Christian theology with poetic truth.

AcknowledgementsPt. IFirst principles11Faith: poetry versus metaphysical opinion32Confessions of a traitorous clerc73The 'pathos of shakenness': its three defining marks134'Mythic theology'25Pt. IICase studies395The heritage of Amos416A shaken sacramentalism: Holderlin and Blake667Blake: shakenness in confrontational form768Holderlin: towards releasement959'After Auschwitz': the case of Nelly Sachs118Pt. IIIConclusion13710Incredulity and liturgy13911Envoi146App. 1Albion versus Leviathan150App. 2Salvation history and romanticism156Notes168Index193