101 French Proverbs: Enrich Your French Conversation with Colorful Everyday Expressions

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Author: Jean-Marie Cassagne

ISBN-10: 0071615555

ISBN-13: 9780071615556

Category: Textbooks - French Language

The grass IS greener with this proverb book, enhanced with mini-conversations on an MP3 disc\ Adding proverbs to your language skills opens up a whole new way for you to express yourself. But to translate commonly known proverbs word-for-word from your own language into another doesn't work and may even change meaning all together. 101 French Proverbs with MP3 Disc presents their translations and explains how to use them. Humorous illustrations help you remember the meaning of the proverbs....

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The grass IS greener with this proverb book, enhanced with mini-conversations on an MP3 discAdding proverbs to your language skills opens up a whole new way for you to express yourself. But to translate commonly known proverbs word-for-word from your own language into another doesn't work and may even change meaning all together. 101 French Proverbs with MP3 Disc presents their translations and explains how to use them. Humorous illustrations help you remember the meaning of the proverbs. This enhanced edition contains a 90-minute MP3 disc with 101 dialogues, spoken by native speakers, so you can hear how these are used and practice your own use of these colorful sayings.

1. Our Animal Friends2. Animals in the Wild3. Occupations4. Eating in Style5. Life Day by Day6. People7. The Blue Planet8. Time Flies9. Words to Live By Translations IndexesJean-Marie Cassagne is an experienced author of language learning titles.Luc Nisset is an accomplished illustrator and materials developer, with experience working with advertising agencies, and the French, African, Dominican, Haitian and U.S. governments, producing health educational brochures and booklets.